
In: Computer Science

[after §3.23 easy] Swapping : The following pseudocode describes a simple algorithm which swaps the values...

  1. [after §3.23 easy] Swapping :

The following pseudocode describes a simple algorithm which swaps the values in two variables, x and y:

1 print “Enter initial value of x: ”

2 input x

3 print “Enter initial value of y: ”

4 input y

5 set temp to x

6 set x to y

7 set y to temp

8 print “x = ” x“, y = ” y

Write a Java Program that implements this algorithm.


Expert Solution


import java.util.*;

public class Main
   public static void main(String[] args)
int x,y,temp; //variable declaration
Scanner s = new Scanner(; //to read input from user we create this object s
System.out.println("Enter initial value of x "); //prompt user to enter x value
x = s.nextInt(); //read x value from user

System.out.println("Enter initial value of y "); //prompt user to enter y value
y = s.nextInt(); //read y value from user

//swapping values

//after sapping
System.out.println("After swapping: x= "+x +" y=" + y);
System.out.println( );



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