
In: Computer Science

3. [1 pts] Part A. Write a program for the GW Admissions Office. a) Request the...

3. [1 pts] Part A. Write a program for the GW Admissions Office. a) Request the staff to enter a string, to indicate someone’s NetID. b) Generates an email address, by appending “” to the user input c) Print the generated email account [2 pts]

Part B. Write a program to meet additional requirements. In addition to requirements in Part A, your function should perform the following check: a) If the user input is longer than 10 characters (11 or more), truncate it and use the first 10 characters to generate an email address. Print the email address.


Expert Solution

Program in c++ Part A:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string s=""; // given in program
string str;
string email1;
cout<<"Please Enter a String"<<endl;
getline(cin, str);// input string
email1=str+s; //generate email by appending input string and given string
cout<<"Generated email is: "<<email1<<endl;//print string
return 0;

Output 1:

Part A Screenshot

Program in c++ part B:

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
string s="";// given string
string str;
string email;
cout<<"Please Enter a String"<<endl;
getline(cin, str);// input string
int len;
len=str.length(); // find length of string
if(len>10){// is length is grater then 10
string str1=str.substr(0,10);// create substring of length 10
email=str1+s;// //generate email by appending string with length 10 and given string
email=str+s; //generate email by appending input string and given string
cout<<"Generated email is: "<<email<<endl;// print string
return 0;

Output 1:

Part B Screenshot

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