
In: Electrical Engineering

Implement four blinking LEDs on your DE2 board. Your code should blink four LEDs at 100...

Implement four blinking LEDs on your DE2 board. Your code should blink four LEDs at 100 Hz, 10 Hz, 2 Hz and 1 Hz respectively. For each of the blink frequencies, the LED should be set to a 50% duty cycle (ON for half of the time). This design should be made in Quartus as a behavioral VHDL design.


Expert Solution

VHDL Code is given below

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity tutorial_led_blink is

  port (

    i_clock      : in std_logic;

    i_enable     : in std_logic;

    i_switch_1   : in std_logic;

    i_switch_2   : in std_logic;

    o_led_drive : out std_logic


end tutorial_led_blink;

architecture rtl of tutorial_led_blink is

  -- Constants to create the frequencies needed:

  -- Formula is: (25 MHz / 100 Hz * 50% duty cycle)

  -- So for 100 Hz: 25,000,000 / 100 * 0.5 = 125,000

  constant c_CNT_100HZ : natural := 125000;

  constant c_CNT_2HZ : natural := 6250000;

  constant c_CNT_10HZ : natural := 1250000;

  constant c_CNT_1HZ   : natural := 12500000;

  -- These signals will be the counters:

  signal r_CNT_100HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_100HZ;

  signal r_CNT_2HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_2HZ;

  signal r_CNT_10HZ : natural range 0 to c_CNT_10HZ;

  signal r_CNT_1HZ   : natural range 0 to c_CNT_1HZ;


  -- These signals will toggle at the frequencies needed:

  signal r_TOGGLE_100HZ : std_logic := '0';

  signal r_TOGGLE_2HZ : std_logic := '0';

  signal r_TOGGLE_10HZ : std_logic := '0';

  signal r_TOGGLE_1HZ   : std_logic := '0';

  -- One bit select wire.

  signal w_LED_SELECT : std_logic;



  -- All processes toggle a specific signal at a different frequency.

  -- They all run continuously even if the switches are

  -- not selecting their particular output.


  p_100_HZ : process (i_clock) is


    if rising_edge(i_clock) then

      if r_CNT_100HZ = c_CNT_100HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0

        r_TOGGLE_100HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_100HZ;

        r_CNT_100HZ    <= 0;


        r_CNT_100HZ <= r_CNT_100HZ + 1;

      end if;

    end if;

  end process p_100_HZ;

  p_2_HZ : process (i_clock) is


    if rising_edge(i_clock) then

      if r_CNT_2HZ = c_CNT_2HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0

        r_TOGGLE_2HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_2HZ;

        r_CNT_2HZ    <= 0;


        r_CNT_2HZ <= r_CNT_2HZ + 1;

      end if;

    end if;

  end process p_2_HZ;


  p_10_HZ : process (i_clock) is


    if rising_edge(i_clock) then

      if r_CNT_10HZ = c_CNT_10HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0

        r_TOGGLE_10HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_10HZ;

        r_CNT_10HZ    <= 0;


        r_CNT_10HZ <= r_CNT_10HZ + 1;

      end if;

    end if;

  end process p_10_HZ;


  p_1_HZ : process (i_clock) is


    if rising_edge(i_clock) then

      if r_CNT_1HZ = c_CNT_1HZ-1 then -- -1, since counter starts at 0

        r_TOGGLE_1HZ <= not r_TOGGLE_1HZ;

        r_CNT_1HZ    <= 0;


        r_CNT_1HZ <= r_CNT_1HZ + 1;

      end if;

    end if;

  end process p_1_HZ;


  -- Create a multiplexor based on switch inputs

  w_LED_SELECT <= r_TOGGLE_100HZ when (i_switch_1 = '0' and i_switch_2 = '0') else

                  r_TOGGLE_2HZ when (i_switch_1 = '0' and i_switch_2 = '1') else

                  r_TOGGLE_10HZ when (i_switch_1 = '1' and i_switch_2 = '0') else



  -- Only allow o_led_drive to drive when i_enable is high (and gate).

  o_led_drive <= w_LED_SELECT and i_enable;

end rtl;

Hope You Get It:)

Thank You:):)

Please Give a Thumps up:):)

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