
In: Electrical Engineering

I have a sim 808 (fona 808) breakout connected to an adruino uno. write a code...

I have a sim 808 (fona 808) breakout connected to an adruino uno. write a code that makes it pick up automatically when called from certain numbers.


Expert Solution

#include <sim900.h>/downld lbry from

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>/defalt lbry

#include <Wire.h>/deflt libry

int Incomingh;

String data,Fdata;

/Conct Tx stick of GSM to 9 of Arno

/Cnct Rx stick of GSM to 10 of Arduo

SoftwareSerial gprs(9,10);//tx,rx

void setup(){


sim900_init(&gprs, 9600);/GSM modle wrks on 9600 baudrte

pinMode(8, OUTPUT);/stick to trn on Voice

Serial.println("Arduino - Automatic Voice Machine");


/*Function to peruse Incoming information from GSM to Arduino*/

void check_Incoming()


if(gprs.available())/If GSM is stating something


Incomingch =;/Listen to it and store in this factor

in the event that (Incomingch == 10 || Incomingch ==13)/If it says space (10) or Newline (13) it implies it has finished single word

{Serial.println(data); Fdata =data; information = ""; }/Print the word and clear the variable to begin new



String newchar = String (char(Incomingch));/change over the roast to string by utilizing string objects

information = information +newchar;/After changing over to string, do string connection




/*##End of Function##*/

void loop(){

check_Incoming();/Read what GSM module is stating

if(Serial.available()){/Used for troubleshooting

gprs.write(;/Used for troubleshooting

}/Used for troubleshooting

in the event that (Fdata == "RING")/If the GSM module says RING


delay(5000);/sit tight for 5sec to make 3 ring delay.

gprs.write ("ATA\r\n");/Answer the call

Serial.println ("Placed Received");/Used for investigating

while(Fdata != "alright")/Until call effectively replied

{check_Incoming();/Read what GSM module is stating

Serial.println ("Playing Recorded message");/Used for investigating

/Play the recorded voice message


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);/Go high

delay(200);/sit tight for 200 msec

digitalWrite(8, LOW);/Go low




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