
In: Statistics and Probability

The Federal Election Commission maintains data showing the voting age population, the number of registered voters,...

The Federal Election Commission maintains data showing the voting age population, the number of registered voters, and the turnout for special electons. The following table shows the voter turnout as a percentage of the voting age population in presidential elections from 1964-2000:

Year        % Vote             Year          % Vote             Year            % Vote

1964       61.92                1980        52.56                  1996          49.08

1968       60.84                1984        53.11                  2000          51.30

1972       55.21                1988        50.11

1976      53.55                 1992        55.09

6: What is the R2 value?


Expert Solution

From the given data

Year (x) X = X-1980 Vote (Y) X^2 Y^2 XY
1964 -16 61.92 256 3834.0864 -990.72
1968 -12 60.84 144 3701.5056 -730.08
1972 -8 55.21 64 3048.1441 -441.68
1976 -4 53.55 16 2867.6025 -214.2
1980 0 52.56 0 2762.5536 0
1984 4 53.11 16 2820.6721 212.44
1988 8 50.11 64 2511.0121 400.88
1992 12 55.09 144 3034.9081 661.08
1996 16 49.08 256 2408.8464 785.28
2000 20 51.3 400 2631.69 1026
Total: 20 542.77 1360 29621.0209 709

Ybar = 542.77/10 = 54.277

The regression equation is Y = 54.8475 - 0.28526

X Y Y-hat (Y-Yhat)^2 (Y-Ybar)^2 (Ybar-Ycap)^2
-16 61.92 59.41163636 6.291888132 58.415449 26.36449059
-12 60.84 58.27060606 6.601785216 43.072969 15.94888937
-8 55.21 57.12957576 3.684771089 0.870489 8.137188453
-4 53.55 55.98854545 5.946503934 0.528529 2.929387843
0 52.56 54.84751515 5.232725568 2.948089 0.325487538
4 53.11 53.70648485 0.355794174 1.361889 0.325487538
8 50.11 52.56545455 6.029257025 17.363889 2.929387843
12 55.09 51.42442424 13.43644563 0.660969 8.137188453
16 49.08 50.28339394 1.448156973 27.008809 15.94888937
20 51.3 49.14236364 4.655394678 8.862529 26.36449059
Total: 53.68272242 161.09361 107.4108876

R-square = 107.4108876 / 161.09361 = 0.6667

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