In: Accounting
After numerous cases of waste and abuse in several state agencies and a major fraud in one of the state’s public universities, a committee of the state legislature is drafting a bill to improve accountability in state government. The bill being proposed would require all state agencies, state colleges and state universities with over 200 employees to implement an accountability function. Two approaches to this accountability function are being considered (1) an Inspector General (OIG) model and (2) an Internal Audit model. As a member of the staff for one of the legislators on the committee, prepare a report (not to exceed 2 pages) setting out the advantages and disadvantages of the two models. Conclude the report with a recommendation as to which model you think will be most effective in improving accountability in state government, and why it is the better alternative.
The difference between inspection auditing and internal auditing are summarised below :
Both are designed to look for waste, fraud and corruption. Both
get accused of being on witch hunts when they discover problems,
but both save more than their cost and provide assurance that the
public's money is being used for the public good.
Part of your problem with the local office is a lack of
understanding of the difference between a financial audit and an
internal audit. You have stated more than once that the internal
auditor is a duplication of the annual financial audit. There is
actually very little overlap.
The financial auditor is there to verify that there is accurate
reporting of all revenues and expenditures in accordance with rules
of governmental accounting. In their Report on Internal Control
Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based
on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with
Government Auditing Standards contained in the 2010 Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report, the independent financial auditors
indicate that they are not expressing opinions on the effectiveness
of the internal controls over financial reporting or on compliance
with a variety of provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant
agreements and other matters.
To the extent that they run across an issue in these areas while
conducting their financial audit, they do report it in a letter,
but they have little ability to insure that it is fixed.
The internal auditor focuses on issues such as the effectiveness of
internal controls to highlight areas where there could be waste,
fraud or corruption.
They also make sure that systems are in place and being followed to
assure that government is compliant with laws, regulations,
contracts, grants and other agreements.
Since they are involved all year, not just a few months as is the
case with the financial auditor, they are in a far better position
to make sure that any weaknesses are addressed.
An effective internal auditor is just as valuable to parish
government as an inspector general is to state government.