In: Math
Consider a 9 × 9 Sudoku, where each number appears exactly once
in each row and
exactly once in each column. Assume that a list of numbers already
appear in some
cells are given.
(a) (20pts) Write an optimization model for Sudoku.
(b) (10pts) Create your own initial list of numbers (1 through 9)
which appear in
some cells of the table and use this as your input data to solve
the optimization
problem in Part (a) using an optimization solver.
Here is a data matrix B of clues. The first row, B(1,2,2), means row 1, column 2 has a clue 2. The second row, B(1,5,3), means row 1, column 5 has a clue 3. Here is the entire matrix B.
B = [1,2,2; 1,5,3; 1,8,4; 2,1,6; 2,9,3; 3,3,4; 3,7,5; 4,4,8; 4,6,6; 5,1,8; 5,5,1; 5,9,6; 6,4,7; 6,6,5; 7,3,7; 7,7,6; 8,1,4; 8,9,8; 9,2,3; 9,5,4; 9,8,2]; drawSudoku(B) % For the listing of this program, see the end of this example.
step 1: Create an optimization variable x that is binary and of size 9-by-9-by-9.
x = optimvar('x',9,9,9,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
step 2 : Create an optimization problem with a rather arbitrary objective function. The objective function can help the solver by destroying the inherent symmetry of the problem.
sudpuzzle = optimproblem; mul = ones(1,1,9); mul = cumsum(mul,3); sudpuzzle.Objective = sum(sum(sum(x,1),2).*mul);
step 3 : Represent the constraints that the sums of x in each coordinate direction are one
sudpuzzle.Constraints.consx = sum(x,1) == 1; sudpuzzle.Constraints.consy = sum(x,2) == 1; sudpuzzle.Constraints.consz = sum(x,3) == 1;
step 4 : Create the constraints that the sums of the major grids sum to one as well.
majorg = optimconstr(3,3,9); for u = 1:3 for v = 1:3 arr = x(3*(u-1)+1:3*(u-1)+3,3*(v-1)+1:3*(v-1)+3,:); majorg(u,v,:) = sum(sum(arr,1),2) == ones(1,1,9); end end sudpuzzle.Constraints.majorg = majorg;
step 5 : Include the initial clues by setting lower bounds of 1 at the clue entries. This setting fixes the value of the corresponding entry to be 1, and so sets the solution at each clued value to be the clue entry.
for u = 1:size(B,1) x.LowerBound(B(u,1),B(u,2),B(u,3)) = 1; end
Solve the Sudoku puzzle.
sudsoln = solve(sudpuzzle)
Round the solution to ensure that all entries are integers, and display the solution.
sudsoln.x = round(sudsoln.x); y = ones(size(sudsoln.x)); for k = 2:9 y(:,:,k) = k; % multiplier for each depth k end S = sudsoln.x.*y; % multiply each entry by its depth S = sum(S,3); % S is 9-by-9 and holds the solved puzzle drawSudoku(S)