
In: Computer Science

It is time to play X-O. You should complete the program for this game. Part of...

It is time to play X-O. You should complete the program for this game. Part of this program is provided to you in two files: (it is complete, no need to be modified) and (you have to complete). The annex has examples of messages displayed during the game.

1) The main program controls the game.

a. It asks the user to start a game : if the response is not o or O, the program ends; If the response is o or O, it leads the game by using the following operations :

i. erase the table (with function eraseTable(tab)).

ii. display the table (with function displayble(tab)).

iii. play a step (with function play(tab, player) – including the request made to the player for the new position).

iv. verify if the player has won or if it is a draw (with function verifyWin(tab)). v. if the game is not completed, play again a step with the other player (from iii). Note: the array of the game table is created in the main part of the program in and is passes as reference to other functions.

b. after each game, you are asked to start another game (restart from a.).

2) the function verifyWin call the following functions:

a. testRows(tab) – to check if a row has won.

b. testCols(tab) – to check if a column has won.

c. testDiags(tab) – to check if a diagonal has won.

d. testDraw(tab) – to check for a draw.

Your have to complete the following functions in the file ·

eraseTable (tab) · verifyWin(tab) · testRows(tab) · testCols(tab) · testDiags(tab) · testDraw(tab)


1) The function verifyWin display the message “Draw” instead of “Player X has won!” or “Player O has won!” when there is a draw.

2) The new row and new column are given with input() and are stored in a list with two elements (the first is the row and the second the column).

3) The functions testRows, testCols, and testDiags, return one of the characters ‘-‘, ‘X’ or ‘O’. if ‘-‘ is returned, no one has won, otherwise the character for the winning player is returned.

4) The documentation of each function is available in the file

Annex – example of games Start a game (O or N): O

0 1 2

0 - - -

1 - - -

2 - - -

Player X, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 1

Colomn: 1

0 1 2

0 - - -

1 - X -

2 - - -

Player O, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 0

Column: 0

0 1 2

0 O - -

1 - X -

2 - - -

Player X, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:,

Row: 1

Column: 5

Player X, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 1

Column: 3

Player X, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 2

Column: 2

0 1 2

0 O - -

1 - X -

2 - - X

Player O, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 0

Column: 0

The position 0 0 is occupied Player O, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 0

Column: 2

0 1 2

0 O - O

1 - X -

2 - - X

Player X, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 1

Column: 0

0 1 2

0 O - O

1 X X -

2 - - X

Player O, Please provide the row and column from 0 to 2:

Row: 0

Column: 1

Player O has won!

0 1 2

0 O O O

1 X X -

2 - - X

Start a game (O or N): N

--------------------------------- a4q2 does not need to be modified, only needs to be  -------------------------------- (FIRST FILE - DO NOT MODIFY)

from a4q2Lib import *
def displayTable (tab):
    (list) -> None
    Display the game table
    Preconditions: tab is a reference to an n x n array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
    The format is: 
        0 1 2
      0 - - O
      1 - X -
      2 - - X
    print("   ", end="")
    col = 0
    while col < len(tab): 
      print(col, end="  ")
      col += 1
    row = 0  
    while row < len(tab):  
      print(row, end="")
      col = 0
      while col < len(tab[row]): 
        print(" ",tab[row][col], end="")
        col += 1
      row += 1

def play (tab, player):
    (list, str) -> None
    Plays a step of the game
    Preconditions: tab is a reference to the n x n tab containing '-', 'X' and 'O'
    The player is X or O
    tab is modified (an elementis changed)
    valid = False
    while not valid:   
        place = [-1,-1] # create a table with two elements
        while not((0 <= place[0] < len(tab)) and (0 <= place[1] < len(tab))):
          print ("Player ",player, end="")
          print(", Please provide the row and the columm from 0 to", (len(tab)-1), ": ")
          place[0] = int(input("Row: ")) # 
          place[1] = int(input("Column: "))
        #find a position that is not busy that contains '-‘             
        if tab[place[0]][place[1]] != '-':
          print("The position", place[0], place[1], "is occupied");
          valid = False
          valid = True             
          # put the player in the array 
          tab[place[0]][place[1]] = player 
    # no result

# Create the game table 
table = [['-','-','-'],['-','-','-'],['-','-','-']] # The only array used in the program.
response = input("Start a game (O or N): ");    
while response == 'o' or response == 'O': 
      eraseTable(table)  # prepares the game table
      winner = False  # initializes the variable winner 
      while not winner: 
        displayTable(table) # display the game table
        play(table,'X')  # ask player X to play
        winner = verifyWin(table)  # Did he win?
        if not winner: 
          # no winner, the other player can play
          displayTable(table) # display the game table
          play(table,'O')  # ask player O to play
          winner = verifyWin(table)  # Did he win?
      displayTable(table) # display the game table
      response = input("Start a game (O or N): ") # new game?


def eraseTable (tab):
   (list) -> None
   This function prepares the game table (array) 
   by putting '-' in all the elements.
   It does not create a new array
   Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array matrice n x n that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
    # to complete
    # returns nothing

def verifyWin(tab):  
    '''(list) ->  bool
    * Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
    * Verify if there is a winner.
    * Look for 3 X's and O's in a row, column, and diagonal.
    * If we find one, we display the winner (the message "Player X has won" 
    * or "Player O has won!") and returns True.
    * If there is a draw (verify it with the function testdraw),
    * display "It is a draw" and returns True.
    * If the game is not over, returns False.
    * The function call the functions testrows, testCols, testDiags
    * pour verifier s'il y a un gagnant.
    * Those functions returns the winner 'X' or 'O', or '-' if there is no winner.

    # to complete
    return False  # to change

def testRows(tab):
   ''' (list) ->  str
   * verify if there is a winning row.
   * Look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a row.  
   * If they are found, the character 'X' or 'O' is returned, otherwise '-' is returned.
   * Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'

   # to complete
   return '-' # to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner 

def testCols(tab):
   ''' (list) ->  str
   * verify a winning column.
   * look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a column.  
   * If it is the case the character 'X' or 'O' is returned, otherwise '-' is returned.
   * Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
   # to complete
   return '-'   #to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner

def testDiags(tab):
   ''' (list) ->  str
   * Look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a diagonal.  
   * If it is the case, the character 'X' or 'O' is returned
   * otherwise '-' is returned.
   * Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'

   # to complete
   return '-'   # #to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner

def testDraw(tab):
   ''' (list) ->  bool
   * verify if there is a draw
   * check if all the array elements have X or O, not '-'.  
   * If we do not find find any '-' in the array, return True. 
   * If there is any '-', return false.
   * Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
   # to complete
   return False  # to BE modiffied

Note: PLEASE modify according to the comments


Expert Solution

The file is unchanged. The code of file is given below.

def eraseTable (tab):
(list) -> None
This function prepares the game table (array)
by putting '-' in all the elements.
It does not create a new array
Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array matrice n x n that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
tab[i][j] = '-'
# returns nothing

def verifyWin(tab):
'''(list) -> bool
* Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
* Verify if there is a winner.
* Look for 3 X's and O's in a row, column, and diagonal.
* If we find one, we display the winner (the message "Player X has won"
* or "Player O has won!") and returns True.
* If there is a draw (verify it with the function testdraw),
* display "It is a draw" and returns True.
* If the game is not over, returns False.
* The function call the functions testrows, testCols, testDiags
* pour verifier s'il y a un gagnant.
* Those functions returns the winner 'X' or 'O', or '-' if there is no winner.

row = testRows(tab)
col = testCols(tab)
diag = testDiags(tab)
print("Player "+row+" has won")
return True
print("Player "+col+" has won")
return True
print("Player "+diag+" has won")
return True
print("It is a draw")
return True
return False # to change

def testRows(tab):
''' (list) -> str
* verify if there is a winning row.
* Look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a row.
* If they are found, the character 'X' or 'O' is returned, otherwise '-' is returned.
* Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
for player in ['X','O']:
for i in range(3):
win = True
for j in range(3):
if tab[i][j] != player:
win = False
if win == True:
return player
return '-' # to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner

def testCols(tab):
''' (list) -> str
* verify a winning column.
* look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a column.
* If it is the case the character 'X' or 'O' is returned, otherwise '-' is returned.
* Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
for player in ['X','O']:
for i in range(3):
win = True
for j in range(3):
if tab[j][i] != player:
win = False
if win == True:
return player
return '-' #to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner

def testDiags(tab):
''' (list) -> str
* Look for three 'X' or three 'O' in a diagonal.
* If it is the case, the character 'X' or 'O' is returned
* otherwise '-' is returned.
* Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'

for player in ['X','O']:
win = True
# left diagonal
for i in range(3):
win = False
return player
win = True
# right diagonal
for i in range(3):
win = False
return player
return '-' # #to be modified so that it returns the winner, or '-' if there is no winner

def testDraw(tab):
''' (list) -> bool
* verify if there is a draw
* check if all the array elements have X or O, not '-'.
* If we do not find find any '-' in the array, return True.
* If there is any '-', return false.
* Preconditions: tab is a reference to an nxn array that contains '-', 'X' or 'O'
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
return False
return True

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