In: Psychology
Developing positive relationships with professors
Discuss this topic and write about it.
**Must be at least 500 words. Around 5-7 minutes of talking
The importance of developing good relationship with professors is due to following reason
Learning can happen in the best way at pecaeful enviroment
The emotional issues with a profesor can act as a barrier in learning
The professor will be more supportive when the student is in a friendly amosphere
The contribution part from the professor will be high if the students is having a cordial relationship
A professor will not reduce the grades under grudges if the student is in good relationship
In ceratin traditions of Asia the blessing of a teacher/ professor will be a great boom to the students learning process. a cures from teacher will act as a hindrance in the process of learning.
A teacher cannot thonk properly if the realtionship is under problem with the student
In case of reasearch and the finding in psychology if the student is not having a good relationship with professor it can effect the observations of student. It is applicable esoecially in case of a behavipural reseacrh. In that case the mind may be already prjudiced with pre concived notons
The issues with teacher can also lead to psycho somatic disorders which are bi product of menatl stress and tensions.
The resousrces with the professor are always unlimited. In a cordial relationship he/she will share the resources with the students
a refference is an important part of curriculam vitae. So if the student need a good refference he need assure a good relationships.
It is always stressful for person when one is nit having good relationship especially with a person whom he/she daily encounter. so a stressful relation with professor can be mental trauma