
In: Operations Management

(Operations Management) The following data (in milliliters) are the amount of liquid in the detergent bottles...

(Operations Management) The following data (in milliliters) are the amount of liquid in the detergent bottles on an automated filling machine. Develop sample mean and sample range control charts using the first 10 samples. Is the process in control? Use the control charts developed in part a to decide if the 11th sample (also given below) indicates an out-of-control situation.

Sample Obs 1 Obs 2 Obs 3 Obs 4
1 1,010 991 985 986
2 995 996 1,009 994
3 990 1,003 1,015 1,008
4 1,015 1,020 1,009 998
5 1,013 1,019 1,005 993
6 994 1,001 994 1,005
7 989 992 982 1,020
8 1,001 986 996 996
9 1,006 989 1,005 1,007
10 992 1,007 1,006 979







Expert Solution

A2,D3 and D4 are control chart constants


Sample 11 has sample mean of (996+1006+997+989)/4 = 997 and range of 1006-989 = 17. So sample 11 shows the process is in-control

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