
In: Operations Management

1.) In order for data security systems to be effective, there must be a proper balance...

1.) In order for data security systems to be effective, there must be a proper balance between what an individual is expected to divulge and another factor. What is this second factor?

a. what the security system costs and the known or projected benefits

b. what level of technology acceptance and user satisfaction is expected

c. what the size of the organization is relative to its external environment

d. what information employment and management decisions require

2.) Systems thinking views change issues within the framework of the entire organization.



3) What is an essential component that is necessary for senior management prior to developing a downsizing strategy?


knowing financial indicators


communicating with employees


scanning the external environment


creating a culture of trust


What are three apps for HR functions offered through the use of mobile technology?


employee assistance programs, pensions, and vacations


legal information, health and safety, and employment testing


recruitment, benefits administration, and talent management


self-service, training, and compensation


The textbook discusses various mechanisms that influence the external supply of human capital. Which of the following is one of these influences?


employer’s role


professional associations’ role


regulatory bodies role


labour relations role


Human capital must be obtained from two sources. What are these two sources?


current employees or individuals currently not employed by the organization


skill and management inventories


human resources and labour markets


recruitment and selection


Which element of a learning organization combines individual ideas and team efforts to arrive at something that could not have been achieved by the individual on his or her own?


shared vision


mental models


systems thinking


team learning


Expert Solution

Question 1: In order for data security systems to be effective, there must be a proper balance between what an individual is expected to divulge and another factor. What is this second factor?

Answer: What information employment and management decisions require

Snippets: Data security systems rely on what individuals or employees are expected to be known and the information the management decisions require.

Question 2: Systems thinking views change issues within the framework of the entire organization.

Answer: True

Snippets: The systems thinking view changes accordingly to the framework of the organization and it helps to determine the underlying risks and issues of an organizational change preposition.

Question 3: What is an essential component that is necessary for senior management prior to developing a downsizing strategy?

Answer: Creating a culture of trust

Snippets: When it comes to downsizing strategy a senior management develops an essential element by creating a culture of trust in an organization.

Question 4: What are three apps for HR functions offered through the use of mobile technology?

Answer: Recruitment, benefits administration, and talent management

Snippets: Recruitment, benefits administration, and talent management mobile applications help Human Resource Management (HR) to process the employee recruitment, retention and other HR policies effectively.

Question 5: The textbook discusses various mechanisms that influence the external supply of human capital. Which of the following is one of these influences?

Answer: Employer's role

Snippets: Employer's role is one of the crucial influences of an external supply of human capital.

Question 6: Human capital must be obtained from two sources. What are these two sources?

Answer: Current employees or individuals currently not employed by the organization

Snippets: The human capital is the skills, knowledge and experience an individual have. There are two sources by which human capital can be obtained, from employed individuals and unemployed individuals.

Question 7: Which element of a learning organization combines individual ideas and team efforts to arrive at something that could not have been achieved by the individual on his or her own?

Answer: Team learning

Snippets: Team is a group of highly skilled individuals who work together towards achieving a common goal and team learning component combines individual ideas and a team efforts.

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