
In: Computer Science

java circular linked list /* * Complete the playGame(int players, int passes) method * Complete the...

java circular linked list

* Complete the playGame(int players, int passes) method
* Complete the addPlayers(int players) method
* Complete the passPotatoe(int passes) method
* No other methods/variables should be added/modified
public class A3CircleLL {
   * Grading:
   * Correctly uses helpers to play game - 1pt
   * Prints correct winner when game is complete - 0.5pt
   public void playGame(int players, int passes) {
       * Use the helper methods addPlayers and passPotatoe to play the game
       * Continue passing the potato until only 1 player remains
       * Print the winning players number
       * For players = 5 and passes = 3, the winner should be 1. Players should be removed in this order:
       * - 4, 3, 5, 2
   * Grading:
   * Correctly creates circular linked list of size amount - 1pt
   private void addPlayers(int amount) {
       * Set up this method to create a Node for each player
       * The value of each Node, should be the player number, starting at 1
       * For example, if the amount is 5, there should be Nodes 1-5
       * Node 1 should always be set as the start
       * Make list circular by connecting the last player Node to the first
   * Grading:
   * Correctly removes the player the number of passes away from the start - 1pt
   * Correctly changes the start to the player after the one being removed - 0.5pt
   private void passPotato(int passes) {
       * Set up this method to play a single round of the game
       * Move through the list the number of passes from the start
       * Remove the player/Node at this position
       * Set the start equal to the player/Node after this position
       * Do not play a round if there is one 1 player remaining
       * Print the player number that was removed and the player with the potato

   private Node start;
   private int count;
   public A3CircleLL() {
       start = null;
       count = 0;
   public String printList() {
       String output = "";
       if(start != null) {
           Node current = start;
           do {
               output += current.value + ",";
               current =;
           }while(current != start);
       return output;
   public String toString() {
       return this.printList();
   private class Node {
       Integer value;
       Node next;
       public Node(Integer v) {
           value = v;
           next = null;


public class A3Driver {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       A3DoubleLL<Integer> list = new A3DoubleLL<>();
       for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
       System.out.println("Before Swap");
       System.out.println("After Swap");
       System.out.println(list.printList() + ":1,2,3,4,6,5,7,8,9,");
       System.out.println(list.printListRev() + ":9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,");
       System.out.println("Hot Potatoe");
       A3CircleLL hotPotato = new A3CircleLL();
       hotPotato.playGame(5, 3);
       System.out.println("Removed Player 4\nRemoved Player 3\nRemoved Player 5\nRemoved Player 2\nWinning player is 1");
       A3Queue<Integer> queue = new A3Queue<>();



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* Complete the playGame(int players, int passes) method

* Complete the addPlayers(int players) method

* Complete the passPotatoe(int passes) method

* No other methods/variables should be added/modified


public class A3CircleLL {


     * Grading: Correctly uses helpers to play game - 1pt Prints correct winner when

     * game is complete - 0.5pt


    public void playGame(int players, int passes) {


         * Use the helper methods addPlayers and passPotatoe to play the game Continue

         * passing the potato until only 1 player remains Print the winning players

         * number


         * For players = 5 and passes = 3, the winner should be 1. Players should be

         * removed in this order: - 4, 3, 5, 2




        System.out.println("Winning player is "+start.value);



     * Grading: Correctly creates circular linked list of size amount - 1pt


    private void addPlayers(int amount) {


         * Set up this method to create a Node for each player The value of each Node,

         * should be the player number, starting at 1 For example, if the amount is 5,

         * there should be Nodes 1-5 Node 1 should always be set as the start Make list

         * circular by connecting the last player Node to the first


        for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {

            Node newNode = new Node(count + 1);

            if (start == null) {

                start = newNode;

            } else {

                Node temp = start;

                while ( != start) {

                    // System.out.println(temp.value);

                    temp =;


                // temp =;

       = newNode;


   = start;






     * Grading: Correctly removes the player the number of passes away from the

     * start - 1pt Correctly changes the start to the player after the one being

     * removed - 0.5pt


    private void passPotato(int passes) {


         * Set up this method to play a single round of the game Move through the list

         * the number of passes from the start Remove the player/Node at this position

         * Set the start equal to the player/Node after this position Do not play a

         * round if there is one 1 player remaining Print the player number that was

         * removed and the player with the potato


        Node temp = start, prev = null;

        while ( != start || != temp) {

            for (int i = 0; i < passes; i++) {

                prev = temp;

                temp =;


            System.out.println("Removed Player "+temp.value);


                start =;





            temp =;



    private Node start;

    private int count;

    public A3CircleLL() {

        start = null;

        count = 0;


    public String printList() {

        String output = "";

        if (start != null) {

            Node current = start;

            do {

                output += current.value + ",";

                current =;

            } while (current != start);


        return output;


    public String toString() {

        return this.printList();


    private class Node {

        Integer value;

        Node next;

        public Node(Integer v) {

            value = v;

            next = null;




public class A3Driver {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // A3DoubleLL<Integer> list = new A3DoubleLL<>();

        // for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

        //     list.add(i);

        // }

        // System.out.println("Before Swap");

        // System.out.println(list.printList());

        // System.out.println(list.printListRev());

        // list.swap(4);

        // System.out.println("After Swap");

        // System.out.println(list.printList() + ":1,2,3,4,6,5,7,8,9,");

        // System.out.println(list.printListRev() + ":9,8,7,5,6,4,3,2,1,");

        // System.out.println();

        System.out.println("Hot Potatoe");

        A3CircleLL hotPotato = new A3CircleLL();

        hotPotato.playGame(5, 3);



                .println("Removed Player 4\nRemoved Player 3\nRemoved Player 5\nRemoved Player 2\nWinning player is 1");


        // A3Queue<Integer> queue = new A3Queue<>();

        // queue.enqueue(5);

        // queue.enqueue(20);

        // queue.enqueue(15);

        // System.out.println(queue.peek() + ":5");

        // System.out.println(queue.dequeue() + ":5");

        // queue.enqueue(25);

        // System.out.println(queue.dequeue() + ":20");

        // System.out.println(queue.dequeue() + ":15");



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