a) Payment gateways and payment processing service
providers :
Payment gateway:
- Payment gateway is a technology that is used
by the E-business sellers/owners. This technology is used by them
to allow their customers to make the payment online for products
- When customers purchase the product they can make the payment
online like through credit card, debit card etc..In this
technology, there is no need of physical appearance or presence of
any object. All processes are done in online.
- This technology makes the payments faster and easier to the
- In this technology, payments are verified by applying
authorized methods.
- It is very useful in E-business and helps in transactions
between sellers and buyers.
Payment processing service providers :
- Payment processing service providers are
defined as who maintains and manages the payment processes.
- It involves both payment processors and payment service
- Payment processor means handles the transactions between seller
and buyer.
- Payment service provider means the organization who provide a
platform or application to make payment.
- Payment processing service providers offers the service to the
customers to make payment by various online payment methods.And
they also offer services to merchants to make sure that payments
are transferred from customer account to merchant account (managing
- So they manage transactions between merchants and
b) Stages of Customer loyalty :
Customer loyalty is building strong
relationship between company's products and customers. There are
stages of customer loyalty towards products are following as :
- Get an idea : This is first stage of customer
loyalty towards your products. When they heard or saw about your
products from their friends they will notice.
- Research : This is second stage loyalty
towards products. In this stage , customers will research about
your products and their information to make sure that is genuine or
- Purchase : This is third stage that shows
loyalty to your products. Finally , they trust and buy the product
of your organization.
- Use : This is fourth stage where customer
use the product to fulfill their needs.
- Repeat : This is the fifth stage where if
customer satisfied with their first purchase, they can repeat the
purchase of your products.
- Refer : This is the sixth stage where customer
advices, suggest to buy your products if they are satisfied.
Therefore, this stages of customer loyalty to your products
helps in your business growth and make customer's strong bond on
your products. By this stages , E-business persons can improve
their business based on the customer expectations and their
c) Cryptocurrency :
- Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency
which is secured by cryptography methods.
- It is created by Digital code.
- By Cryptocurrency we can pay payments by exchanging digital
- Example of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin.
- Cryptocurrency stores large amounts of currency records of
information in a coin. So it is maintained digitally and secured by
cryptography which can't stolen by any hacker.
- Therefore, cryptocurrency is a digital money.
- Generally this is used by billionaires , to store their large
amounts of money in a single coin .
- For this system, there is no involvement of banks, accounts,
currency notes etc..
- This cryptocurrency is adopted because it handles the large
amounts of money.
- And it is stored in a single coin to avoid risk in handling
large amounts of money.
- It is best option to secure the money by cryptography methods
which can't steal even by the hackers.
- By this System, users can secure their transactions.
- Therefore, it become successful so it is adopted.