In: Finance
Name the four major factors that affect the exchange rate in the long run. Relative to other (foreign) countries, what happens to a country’s (domestic) exchange rate when it experiences an increase in each of these factors?
Four Major factors that affect the exchange rate in the long run
1. Inflation: Inflation in the long run occurs due to supply side
constraints. If long run demand is higher than supply inflation
occurs,. Long run inflation cannot be minimised by monetary policy
which are short term . In fact fiscal policy or government policies
can reduce long term inflation
Higher the inflation lower the exchange rate of domestic currency
in the long run.
2. Economic growth or GDP(Gross Domestic Product) : Increase in
real income of country strengthens the economy in teh long run and
impacts exchange rate.
Higher the GDP higher is the exchange rate of domestic currency
3. Relative Productivity of a country : The productivity is the
efficiency in generating goods and services of a country. This
makes the goods and services of generated in a country to be very
competitive as compared to foreign goods and services
Higher the productivity higher will be the exchange rate in the
long run.
4. Trade Barriers: Trade barriers means
increasing the tax of imported goods or putting
restriction in their quantity .
Higher the trade barrier higher is the exchange rate of domestic