
In: Chemistry

demonstrate the importance of helmholtz Free energy concept as it relates to spontaneous processes

demonstrate the importance of helmholtz Free energy concept as it relates to spontaneous processes


Expert Solution

Definition of Helmholtz Free Energy

We define a new state function:
A = U -TS such that dA ≤ 0.
We call A the Helmholtz free energy.
At constant T and V the Helmholtz free energy will decrease
until all possible spontaneous processes have occurred. At
that point the system will be in equilibrium.
The condition for equilibrium is dA = 0.

and also Expressing the change in the Helmholtz free energy we have
for an isothermal change from one state to another.
The condition for spontaneous change is that ΔA is less
than zero and the condition for equilibrium is that ΔA = 0.
We write
ΔA = ΔU – TΔS ≤ 0 (at constant T and V)
If ΔA is greater than zero a process is not spontaneous.
It can occur if work is done on the system, however. The
Helmholtz free energy has an important physical interpretation.
Noting the qrev = TΔS we have
ΔA = ΔU – qrev
According to the first law ΔU – qrev = wrev so
ΔA = wrev (reversible, isothermal)
A represents the maximum amount of reversible work that
can be extracted from the system.

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