
In: Computer Science

Modify the program 5-13 from page 279 such that will also compute the class average. This...

Modify the program 5-13 from page 279 such that will also compute the class average. This class average is in addition to each individual student score average. To accomplish this additional requirement, you should do the following:

1. Add two more variables of type double: one for accumulating student averages, and one to hold the class average. Don't forget, accumulator variable should be initialized to 0.0.

2. Immediately after computing individual student average, add a statement that will accumulate the newly computed average using the variable from previous step.

3. After the outer loop for the number of students, add a statement that will compute class average as the accumulated averages divided by the number of students.

4. Finally, display the computed class average. Do not use computations inside output statements because the computed value might be needed with later updates.

Save and submit your final code file as Pr5-13_Lab.cpp.

// This program uses a nested loop to average

// a set of test scores for multiple students.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   int numStudents, // Number of students

   numTests; // Number of tests per student

   double average; // Average test score for a student

   // Get the number of students

   cout << "This program averages test scores.\n";

   cout << "How many students are there? ";

   cin >> numStudents;

   // Get the number of test scores per student

   cout << "How many test scores does each student have? ";

   cin >> numTests;

   cout << endl;

   // Read each student's scores and compute their average

   for (int snum = 1; snum <= numStudents; snum++) //Outer loop

   { double total = 0.0; // Initialize accumulator

for (int test = 1; test <= numTests; test++) //Inner loop

{ int score;

   // Read a score and add it to the accumulator

cout << "Enter score " << test << " for ";

   cout << "student " << snum << ": ";

   cin >> score;

   total += score;

} //End inner loop

// Compute and display the student's average

average = total / numTests;

cout << "The average score for student " << snum;

cout << " is " << average << "\n\n";

   } //End outer loop

   return 0;



Expert Solution

Please find below the code, code screenshots and output screenshots. Please refer to the screenshot of the code to understand the indentation of the code.  Please get back to me if you need any change in code. Else please upvote


// This program uses a nested loop to average

// a set of test scores for multiple students.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   int numStudents, // Number of students

   numTests; // Number of tests per student

   double average; // Average test score for a student

   double sum_average = 0; //Initialize accumulator for calculating class average

   double class_average; //Average class score

   // Get the number of students

   cout << "This program averages test scores.\n";

   cout << "How many students are there? ";

   cin >> numStudents;

   // Get the number of test scores per student

   cout << "How many test scores does each student have? ";

   cin >> numTests;

   cout << endl;

   // Read each student's scores and compute their average

   for (int snum = 1; snum <= numStudents; snum++) //Outer loop


        double total = 0.0; // Initialize accumulator


        for (int test = 1; test <= numTests; test++) //Inner loop


            int score;

            // Read a score and add it to the accumulator

            cout << "Enter score " << test << " for ";

            cout << "student " << snum << ": ";

            cin >> score;

            total += score;

        } //End inner loop

        // Compute and display the student's average

        average = total / numTests;

        cout << "The average score for student " << snum;

        cout << " is " << average << "\n\n";


        //accumulating the student average to sum_average

        sum_average += average;


    } //End outer loop


    //computing class average as the accumulated averages divided by the number of students.

    class_average = sum_average/numStudents;

    cout << "The class average score is ";

    cout << class_average << "\n\n";

   return 0;



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