
In: Anatomy and Physiology

A) Put the following events associated with fertilization in the correct order. - binding of ZP3...

A) Put the following events associated with fertilization in the correct order.

- binding of ZP3 receptors in sperm to ZP3

- formation of zygote

- acrosome reaction

- release of intracellular Ca2+ in the ovum

- resumption of meiosis

B) What effect would blocking intracellular calcium release have on an ovum immediately after fertilization?

*Select one or more:*

a. Meiosis II would not occur

b. The sperm would not release phospholipase C-zeta into the cytoplasm

c. MPF levels would not decrease

d. Cortical granules would not be released

C) List all the differences that exist in the control of sexual motivation or sex drive in female rodents and primates. Choose ALL correct answers.

a. Female rodents only engage in sexual behavior around the time of ovulation whereas female primates engage in sexual behavior throughout their reproductive cycles.

b. Sexual motivation in female primates is less dependent on hormones released by their ovaries than is sexual behavior in female rodents.

c. Blocking estrogen synthesis around the time of ovulation would decrease sexual motivation in female primates but not in rodents.

d. Sexual behavior in female rodents is dependent on being exposed to estradiol and then 48 hours later to testosterone, while sex drive in female primates is increased by being exposed first to estradiol and then 48 hours later to progesterone.


Expert Solution

A) Fertilization occurs in the following order -

  1. acrosome reaction (sperm fuses with the plasma membrane of the ovum)
  2. binding of ZP3 receptors in sperm to ZP3 (sperm binds to the zona pellucida of the ovum and penetrates it)
  3. release of intracellular Ca2+ in the ovum (oocyte activation, to prevent other sperms from binding)
  4. resumption of meiosis (production of haploid ovum)
  5. formation of zygote

B) Blocking of intracellular calcium ion release in an ovum leads to the following -

  • Meoisis II will not occur (since it is triggered by oocyte activation)
  • The sperm would not release phospholipase C-zeta into the cytoplasm (since it is triggered by oocyte activation)
  • MPF levels would not decrease (since it is degraded by calcium ions)
  • Cortical granules would not be released (since it is triggered by oocyte activation)

C) Differences are as follows -

  • a. Female rodents only engage in sexual behavior around the time of ovulation whereas female primates engage in sexual behavior throughout their reproductive cycles.

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