Spearman correlation-
Suppose, there are 122 students in a class.
We want to find relation between marks (X) in mathematics and
number (Y) of prizes won annually in cultural program.
In this case it is better to use Spearman's rank
correlation coefficient to compare these two variables.
We have to
test for null hypothesis
the alternative hypothesis
Interpretation of
significant result is that marks obtained by students in
mathematics is significantly related (may be positively or
negatively) with number of prizes they won annually in cultural
Use neither-
There may be different instances.
- Nonsense correlation- Suppose number of cars
in road of America is compared with population in Japan during
different times. Though we shall get highly positive correlation,
these are not at all related. They are both related to third
variable time.
- Non-linear relation- Spearman correlation and
Pearson correlation coefficients denotes linear relations only. So
non-linear relations can not be determined using these. Suppose we
have data set X={-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} and Y={4, 1, 0 , 1, 4}. Clearly
Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation coefficient values are
0 signifying that there is no relation among variables. But
clearly, there is an exact relation Y=X2. This is non-linear
relation and can not be determined with these correlation