
In: Computer Science

Rewrite the Jars problem to use a Jar class and a vector of Jar objects The...

Rewrite the Jars problem to use a Jar class and a vector of Jar objects

The Jar class has 2 private members - volume, capacity, a default constructor, a 1 parameter constructor, 2 accessors but only 1 mutator, two boolean methods isEmpty and IsFull, a 1 Jar reference parameter method, pour, that pours the contents of its parameter into the method's Jar.


A man goes to a bathtub with two jars, of which one holds exactly 3 pints and the other 5 pints.

How can be bring back exactly 4 pints of water. The solution presents no difficulty.

Empty(source, destination)

Fill(source, destination)

Pour(source, destination)

   while source is not empty and destination is not full

aubtract 1 from volume(source)

add 1 to volume(destination)

   end while

End Pour

tub(capacity) = 8

jar1(capacity) = 5

jar2(capacity) = 3

tub(volume) = 8

jar1(volume) = 0

jar2(volume) = 0

display(count, tub, jar1, jar2)

count = 0


read source, destination

pour source, destination

count = count + 1

display(count, tub, jar1, jar2)

until jar1(volume) = 4


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

const int TUB = 0;

const int JAR1 = 1;

const int JAR2 = 2;

const int capacity[] = {8, 5 , 3};

const string names[] = {"Tub", "Jar 1", "Jar 2"};

int volume[] = {8, 0, 0};

void display(int count);

void read(int& source, int& destination);

void pour(int source, int destination);

bool isEmpty(int container);

bool isFull(int container);

int main()


    int count = 0;




        int source, destination;

        read(source, destination);

        pour(source, destination);




    while(volume[JAR1] != 4);


    return 0;


void pour(int source, int destination)


    while(!isEmpty(source) && !isFull(destination))






bool isEmpty(int container)


    return volume[container] == 0;


bool isFull(int container)


    return volume[container] == capacity[container];


void read(int& source, int& destination)


    cout << "source? ";

    cin >> source;

    cout << names[source] << " is the source" << endl;

    cout << "destination? ";

    cin >> destination;

    cout << names[destination] << " is the destination" << endl;


void display(int count)


    cout << count << ": ";

    for(int index = TUB; index <= JAR2; index++)

        cout << volume[index] << ' ';

    cout << endl;



Expert Solution

Here is the solution. Please do upvote thank you.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Jar{
int capacity;
int volume;
// default constructor
// parametrized constructor
Jar(int c){
// accessor for capacity
int getCapacity(){
return capacity;
// accessor for volume
int getVolume(){
return volume;
//setter for capacity
void setCapacity(int c){
// check if jar is empty
bool isEmpty(){
return volume==0;
// check if jar is full
bool isFull(){
return volume==capacity;
// pour from given jar to method's jar
void pour(Jar &j){

// driver code
int main()
Jar j(10);
Jar j1;
Jar j2;
vector<Jar>v;// vector of Jar objects
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){
cout<<"Capacity: "<<v[i].getCapacity()<<" ,Volume: "<<v[i].getVolume()<<endl;;
return 0;


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