Boiler design may be based upon:
- Production of a maximum quantity of steam with minimal fuel
- Economic feasibility of installation
- Minimal operator attention required during operation
- Capability for quick starting
- Conformity to safety regulations
- Quality of raw water : how hard or soft the water is will
determine the material of the boiler.
- Heat source - the fuel to be burned and its ash
properties[1] or the process material from which the
heat is to be recovered.
- Capacity/steam output required, usually measured in tonnes per
hour or kg/s.
- Steam condition - pressure, temperature, etc.
- Safety considerations
- Mechanical constraints
- Cost restrictions
- Monetary cost
- Tensile strength of material must be considered while using any
joining processes.[2]
Accessories and mountings are devices which form an integral
part of boiler but are not mounted on it. They include economizers,
superheaters, feed pumps and air pre-heaters. Accessories help in
controlling and running the boiler efficiently. Certain common
mountings (specifically those required by the Indian Boiler Act)
- Feed check valve - regulates the flow of water into the boiler
and prevents the back flow of water in case of failure of the feed
- Steam stop valve - regulates the flow of steam that is produced
in the boiler to the steam pipe, and may also be used to stop the
supply of steam from the boiler
- Fusible plug - placed at the lowest level of water and above
the combustion chamber, its function is to extinguish the fire as
soon as the water level in the shell of the boiler falls below a
certain marked level.
- Blow-off cock - removes water from the shell at regular
intervals to remove the various impurities that may be settled at
the bottom of the shell.
- Safety valves - automatically prevent the steam pressure from
exceeding safe levels
- Water-level indicators - indicate the level of water in the