In: Biology
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It is very unlikely that research using animals will be unnecessary or poorly done. Before an experiment using a vertebrate animal is carried out, the protocol for that experiment must be reviewed by an institutional committee that includes a veterinarian and a member of the public, and during the research the animal’s health and care are monitored regularly. Researchers need healthy animals for study in science and medicine, because unhealthy animals could lead to erroneous results. This is a powerful incentive for scientists to make certain that any animals they use are healthy and well-nourished. Furthermore, research involving animals is expensive, and because funding is limited in science, only highquality research is able to compete effectively for support
1. Researchers need healthy animals for study in science and medicine, because unhealthy animals could lead to erroneous results.
2. Before an experiment using a vertebrate animal is carried out, the protocol for that experiment must be reviewed by an institutional committee that includes a veterinarian and a member of the public and animal's health is monitored regularly.
3. This is a powerful incentive for scientis to make certain that any animal they use are healthy.
4. Furthermore, research involve animals is expensive and
funding is limited in science.