
In: Electrical Engineering

Draw the schematic and code for an Arduino controlled system using a temperature sensor and fan.

Draw the schematic and code for an Arduino controlled system using a temperature sensor and fan.


Expert Solution

Arduino code:-

int val;
int tempPin = A0;
const int fanpin = 2;

void setup()
pinMode(fanpin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
val = analogRead(tempPin);

//conversions from analog to celsius and farenheit
float a = ( val/1024.0)*5000;
float cel = a/10;
float farh = (cel*9)/5 + 32;

//these lines are used to display the temperature in the serial monitor.
Serial.print("TEMPRATURE = ");

int threshold = 28; // you can change the threshold value according to your requirement.
if (cel > threshold )
digitalWrite(fanpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fanpin, LOW);

/* uncomment this to get temperature in farenhite
Serial.print("TEMPRATURE = ");

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