
In: Computer Science

The data for this section comes from, and represents professional soccer players (data is a...

The data for this section comes from, and represents professional soccer players (data is a few years old, I think from 2016)

players <- read.csv('', stringsAsFactors = F)

1. Without splitting the club variable, determine how many of the 7,282 players are Forwards.
# Your Solution Here

substring(players$club, 1, 7) [substring(players$club, 1, 7)=='Forwards']

2. Create separate columns for position and club (information currently found in club column)
# Your Solution Here

3. Construct a barplot that displays the number of players at each position.
# Your Solution Here

4. Construct a barplot that displays the average minutes played by position.
# Your Solution Here

5. What percent of clubs have an average player rank of 200 or less?
# Your Solution Here

These questions are based on the R studio. Please show me the exact steps that can generate the result that the questions are asking for.


Expert Solution


  • I have provided the properly commented code in both text and image format so you can easily copy the code as well as check for correct indentation.
  • I have provided the output image of the code so you can easily cross-check for the correct output of the code.
  • Have a nice and healthy day!!


# reading csv, and storing in players
players <- read.csv('', stringsAsFactors = F)

# 1. Forward players, without splitting the club variable
# using substring function finding Forward club players. using sum function to sum all True values
# returns # of forward players
forward_players <- sum(substring(players$club, 1, 7)=="Forward")
# dispay result
cat("# of Forward players are: ",forward_players)

# 2. Create separate columns for position and club (information currently found in club column)
splitClub <-str_split_fixed(players$club, " - ", 2)
# creating club and position col in players
players$position <- splitClub[,1]
players$clubName <- splitClub[,2]

# 3. Construct a barplot that displays the number of players at each position.
# using table function to fetch count of players per position
positionCount <- table(players$position)
barplot(positionCount,ylab = "Count",main = "Position Count")

# 4 Construct a barplot that displays the average minutes played by position.
meanMin <- aggregate(players$playedmins, list(players$position), mean)
# fetching mean values and seting their position names
meanVals <- meanMin$x
names(meanVals) <- meanMin$Group.1
barplot(meanVals,ylab = "Mean Minutes",main = "Mean Played min by position")

# 5. What percent of clubs have an average player rank of 200 or less?
# aggregate function to calculate mean rank club wise
avgRank <- aggregate(players$Rank, list(players$clubName), mean)
# percentage calculations
per <- sum(avgRank$x <= 200)/length(avgRank[,1]) * 100
# displayng result
cat("Percentage of clubs: ",per," %")



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