
In: Computer Science

C# (Thank you in advance) Create an Employee class with five fields: first name, last name,...

C# (Thank you in advance)

Create an Employee class with five fields: first name, last name, workID, yearStartedWked, and initSalary. It includes constructor(s) and properties to initialize values for all fields.

Create an interface, SalaryCalculate, class that includes two functions: first,CalcYearWorked() function, it takes one parameter (currentyear) and calculates the number of year the worker has been working. The second function, CalcCurSalary() function that calculates the current year salary.

Create a Worker classes that is derived from Employee and SalaryCalculate class.

  • In Worker class, it includes two field, nYearWked and curSalary, and constructor(s). It defines the CalcYearWorked() function using (current year – yearStartedWked) and save it in the nYearWked variable. It also defines the CalcCurSalary() function that calculates the current year salary by using initial salary with 3% yearly increment.

Create a Manager class that is derived from Worker class.

  • In Manager class, it includes one field: yearPromo and constructor(s). Itincludes a CalcCurSalary function that calculate the current year salary by overriding the base class function using initial salary with 5% yearly increment plus 10% bonus. The manager’s salary calculates in two parts. It calculates as a worker before the year promoted and as a manager after the promotion.

Write an application that reads the workers and managers information from files (“worker.txt” and “manager.txt”) and then creates the dynamic arrays of objects. Prompt the user for current year and display the workers’ and managers’ current information in separate groups: first and last name, ID, the year he/she has been working, and current salary.

**Following is the content of the text files**


manager.txt :



worker.txt :



Expert Solution


/// Employee.cs ///

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
public class Employee
private string firstName;

public string FirstName
get { return firstName; }
set { firstName = value; }
private string lastName;

public string LastName
get { return lastName; }
set { lastName = value; }
private int wordId;

public int WordId
get { return wordId; }
set { wordId = value; }
private int yearStartedWked;

public int YearStartedWked
get { return yearStartedWked; }
set { yearStartedWked = value; }
private double initSalary;

public double InitSalary
get { return initSalary; }
set { initSalary = value; }

public Employee()
firstName = "";
lastName = "";
wordId = 0;
yearStartedWked = 0;
initSalary = 0;

public Employee(string fN, string lN, int id, int yearStarted, double salary)
firstName = fN;
lastName = lN;
wordId = id;
yearStartedWked = yearStarted;
initSalary = salary;


/// SalaryCalculate.cs ///

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
public interface SalaryCalculate
void CalcYearWorked(int currentYear);
void CalcCurSalary(int currentYear);

/// Worker.cs ///

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
public class Worker : Employee, SalaryCalculate
private int nYearWked;

public int NYearWked
get { return nYearWked; }
set { nYearWked = value; }
private double curSalary;

public double CurSalary
get { return curSalary; }
set { curSalary = value; }

public Worker(string fN, string lN, int id, int yearStarted, double salary) : base(fN, lN, id, yearStarted, salary)

public void CalcYearWorked(int currentYear)
nYearWked = currentYear - YearStartedWked;

public void CalcCurSalary(int currentYear)
double salary = InitSalary;
for (int i = YearStartedWked; i <= currentYear; ++i)
salary *= 1.03;
CurSalary = salary;


/// Manager.cs ///

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyNamespace
public class Manager : Worker
private int yearPromo;

public int YearPromo
get { return yearPromo; }
set { yearPromo = value; }

public Manager(string fN, string lN, int id, int yearStarted, double salary, int yearPromo)
: base(fN, lN, id, yearStarted, salary)
this.yearPromo = yearPromo;

public void CalcCurSalary(int currentYear)
double salary = InitSalary;
for (int i = YearStartedWked; i <= currentYear; ++i)
if (i < yearPromo)
salary *= 1.03;
salary *= 1.05;
CurSalary = salary * 1.2; // 20% bonus


/// Main.cs ///

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace MyNamespace
class EmployeeMain
public static void Main()
List<Worker> employees = new List<Worker>();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream("worker.txt", FileMode.Open)))
string line;
while((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] words = line.Split(' ');
employees.Add(new Worker(words[0], words[1], Convert.ToInt32(words[2]), Convert.ToInt32(words[3]), Convert.ToDouble(words[4])));
List<Manager> managers = new List<Manager>();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream("manager.txt", FileMode.Open)))
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] words = line.Split(' ');
managers.Add(new Manager(words[0], words[1], Convert.ToInt32(words[2]), Convert.ToInt32(words[3]), Convert.ToDouble(words[4]), Convert.ToInt32(words[5])));
Console.Write("Enter current year: ");
int year = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < employees.Count; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("Worker: " + employees[i].LastName + ", " + employees[i].FirstName + "'s salary is: " + employees[i].CurSalary + " and worked a total of " + employees[i].NYearWked + " years.");
for (int i = 0; i < managers.Count; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("Manager: " + managers[i].LastName + ", " + managers[i].FirstName + "'s salary is: " + managers[i].CurSalary + " and worked a total of " + managers[i].NYearWked + " years.");

/// manager.txt ///

Sam Reza 000411 1995 51000 2005
Jose Perez 000412 1998 55000 2002
Rachel Pena 000413 2000 48000 2010

/// worker.txt ///

Hector Alcoser 001231 1999 24000
Anna Alaniz 001232 2001 34000
Lydia Bean 001233 2002 30000
Jorge Botello 001234 2005 40000
Pablo Gonzalez 001235 2007 35000


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