What is
corporate misconduct and what are some examples from businesses or
individuals? Also can give stats on corporate
- The term corporate misconduct refers to frauds committed by
corporate entities to tarnish shareholder value.
- The corporate misconduct stretches beyond malpractice in
accounting, reporting, operations and misconduct.
- It is an unethical malpractices followed by businesses or
- corporate misconduct is against the corporate law defined by
the government
- corporate misconduct occurs due to excessive management
power, Bureaucratic Corporate Structure, Lack of public
understanding etc.
- Examples - Company conducting unethical audits in order to hide
the actual valuation of its businesses
- Examples - Individuals accepting bribes at work to favour high
paying clients
Stats on
corporate misconduct
- bank frauds in nationalized banks are of Rs. 497.60 Crores
- new employee survey has found that workplace misconduct at
Fortune 500 companies is higher than the U.S. average.
- 52 percent of Fortune 500 companies said they observed
misconduct in their workplace during the last 12 months but 74
percent of those employees reported the misconduct when they saw