
In: Chemistry

Suntech’s Stp- 275 polycrystalline solar panels generate 275 W under 1 kW/m2 of insolation. they measure...

Suntech’s Stp- 275 polycrystalline solar panels generate 275 W under 1 kW/m2 of insolation. they measure 77.0 × 39.1 inches. Monocrystalline Opt 275 panels from Suniva also generate 275 W under 1 kW/m2 insolation. they measure 65.35 × 38.98 inches. Calculate the efficiencies of the two panels in converting sunlight to electricity, assuming that their entire areas are covered with PV cells.


Expert Solution

Solution :-

Lets calculate the area of the Suntech’s panel

Area= l*w

       = 77.0 in * 39.1 in

      = 3010.7 in^2

Converting square inch to square meter

3010.7 in^2 * 1 m^2 / 1550 in^2 = 1.942 m2

Now 1.942 m2 * 1 kW/ 1m2 = 1.942 kW

1.942 kW * 1000 W /1 kW = 1942 W

Panel efficiency = [275 W / 1942 W] * 100 %

                       = 14.16 %

Now lets calculate for the Suniva panel

Area = l*w

         = 65.35 in * 38.98 in

        = 2547 in^2

2547 in2 * 1m2 / 1550 in2 = 1.643 m2

1.643 m2 * 1 kW/ 1m2 = 1.642 kW

1.642 kW * 1000 W / 1 kW = 1642 W

Panel efficiency = [275 W / 1642 W] *100 %

                             = 16.75 %

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