
In: Computer Science

Write a Java program that uses the file EnglishWordList.txt which contains a collection of words in...

Write a Java program that uses the file EnglishWordList.txt which contains a collection of words in English (dictionary), to find the number of misspelled words in a story file called Alcott-little-261.txt. Please note that the dictionary words are all lower-cased and there are no punctuation symbols or numbers. Hence it is important that you eliminate anything other than a-z and A-Z and then lower case story words for valid comparisons against the WordList file. When you read each line of the story file as a String, use split() method to store the words per line in a String array. Then go through each word in the array to lowercase it and to eliminate all but a-z A-Z using Java regex - something like

String word = word.replaceAll(“[^a-zA-Z]”,””).toLowerCase();

Neither file can be linked, but one can use two random text files to complete this. the Alcott text file is a story, while EnglishWordList is all the words in the English dictionary. Basically this is spell check.


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in Java and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Here I am attaching code for these files:


public class Driver
public static void main(String[] args) {

ReadFiles rf = new ReadFiles();
PrimitiveJavaEditor pje = new PrimitiveJavaEditor();


import java.util.*;
public class ReadFiles {

Scanner fileScanner;
static LinkedList<String> textFile;
static HashSet<String> wordList;
String dictionaryFile = "EnglishWordList.txt";
String textFileName ="alcott-little-261.txt";

public ReadFiles () {

textFile = new LinkedList<>();
wordList = new HashSet<>();

public void readTextFile()

String line=null;
//String[] words;
fileScanner = new Scanner (new File (textFileName));

while (fileScanner.hasNext()) {

line = fileScanner.nextLine();
String[] words=line.split(" ");
for (int i=0;i<words.length;i++) {
String s = words[i].replaceAll("[\\[\\]_:\"'`?;\\�0-9—;“()-/.,*! ]", "").trim().toLowerCase();
if (!s.isEmpty())textFile.add(s);
catch (IOException e)


public void readDictionary()

String word=null;
fileScanner = new Scanner (new File (dictionaryFile));

while (fileScanner.hasNext()){

word = fileScanner.nextLine();

catch (IOException e)



import java.util.*;

public class PrimitiveJavaEditor

PrintWriter printWriter=null;

public boolean find (String x)
{ String word;
ListIterator<String> itr = ReadFiles.textFile.listIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
//word= word.replaceAll("[\\[\\]_:\"'`?;0-9;()-/.,*! ]", "").toLowerCase();
// System.out.println(word);
if (word.equals(x)) {
return true;
return false;
// Looks for a word "x" in the file and returns true if found or false otherwise.

public boolean findReplace (String find, String replace)

int index;
index = ReadFiles.textFile.indexOf(find);
if (index != -1) {
String prev = ReadFiles.textFile.set(index,replace);
return true;
else return false;

// looks for the first occurrence of word "x" in the file and replaces it with word "y" if found returning true, false otherwise.

public boolean findInsert (String find, String insert) {
// looks for the first occurrence of word "x" in the file and then insert "y" right after "x", if x is found, returning true, false otherwise.

int index;
index = ReadFiles.textFile.indexOf(find);
if (index != -1) {
return true;
else return false;

public boolean delete (String del) {
// looks for the first occurrence of word "x" in the file and deletes it from the file, returning true if x is found, returning false otherwise.

return (ReadFiles.textFile.removeFirstOccurrence(del));

public String spellCheck () { // finds the first occurrence of spelling error and returns the misspelled word. If no word is misspelled returns "Spell Check Passed".

String word;
ListIterator<String> itr = ReadFiles.textFile.listIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){

// word= word.replaceAll("[\\[\\]_:\"'`?;0-9;()-/.,*! ]", "").toLowerCase();
if (!ReadFiles.wordList.contains(word)) return word;
return "no spelling errors";


public void spellCheckAll() {

// find all misspelled words and output them to the screen.
   int count = 0;
   long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
String word;
boolean spellPass=true;
ListIterator<String> itr = ReadFiles.textFile.listIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
//word= word.replaceAll("[\\[\\]_:\"'`?;0-9;()-/.,*! ]", "").toLowerCase();
// word=word.replaceAll("[]","");
// System.out.println(word);
if (!ReadFiles.wordList.contains(word)) {count++;
if (spellPass) System.out.println("no misspelled words, spellcheck passed ");
long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(time2 - time1 + " milliseconds");
System.out.println(count + " number of misspelled words");

public void save() {
// saves file with the changes made
ListIterator itr = ReadFiles.textFile.listIterator();
int count=0;
printWriter = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter ("newTextFile.txt"));
while (itr.hasNext()){
if (count % 10 ==0) printWriter.print ("\n");

catch (IOException e)
// }


public void print()
// saves file with the changes and outputs the contents of the file to the screen.
Scanner sc;

sc = new Scanner("newTextFile.txt");
while (sc.hasNext())

catch (Exception e)
public void quit() {
public boolean findReplaceAll(String x, String y) {
boolean found=false;
int index=0;
ListIterator<String> itr = ReadFiles.textFile.listIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
String word=;
if (word.equals(x)) {
return found;

Sample Output Screenshots:

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