
In: Operations Management

Explain if entrepreneurs believed on "entrepreneur is talented, success will happen in a year or two",...

Explain if entrepreneurs believed on "entrepreneur is talented, success will happen in a year or two", would be most damaging in preventing entrepreneurs from being successful? Why? Explain. Your post must be 7-10 sentences, with proper spelling and grammar.


Expert Solution

Being entrepreneur is very difficult as it requires lot of groung work to start an organization.Organizational development requires lot of hard work to run the organization successfully.Entrepreneurs have strategies and ideas to implement it in the right way.Being an entrepreneur is not difficult to run that organization to get succes and growth is important.As an entrepreneur has to think which area is to select where to invebst show that they can earn name and money in that organization.Proper ground work is required as there are so many organizations which has started and could not able to stand in the market to survive and fulfill the market needs.

Entrepreneurs requires lot of patience and ability to lead the organization,which requires skilled persons and ability candidates.Skill plays a first place where its tough to get the skilled team.They have to draw a flow chart for things which needs to be followed and which are not.Make policies and rules for the organization,which are the essential things where an entrepreneur needs to implement.

Entrepreneurs can be anyone it should not requires any qualification and education.There are no rules writtien in the industries law that only qualified and educated persons will become good entrepreneurs.If we can see the history there are so many successfull entrepreneurs are from different walks of life,represents and provides the best ideas to prevent the loss of organizational growth.They represents different brands,products and cultures.

Entrepreneur will never become in a day it need lot of struggle and hard work behind a successfull entrepreneur as it requires lot of things needs to learns and face failures inorder to become an entrepreneur.

Its not only the money which requires to become an entrepreneur it need passion that can lead a successfull entrepreneur.Setting an organization could be easy if there is no difficulties in financial matters but, after setting that industry leading that to growth and maintaing that success throughout the years is tough thing.

To become an entrepreneur,leader and a business man you need lot of learning skills and you should be down to earth to learn things from any stages.That kind of passion will lead you to success.Motivated by self is also drives you to become an entrepreneur.To be successfull,its essential to focus on things that you wanted to do,you should passionate about your work that you are going to do,and what ever you are will to do put in to work to become a master in the industry.

When you become an entrepreneur you will have lot of haters you need not concentrate on things that leads to failures.Haters always pulls you down.When you are not able to control emotions just follow to learn things and adopt the quick leaning skills which makes you to strong in the organization.Always develop your skills as per the market requirement.always be responded to the things quickly and move forward.

Grab every opportunity that available to you as no one knows from where you will get opprotuniies you should be ready to accept and grab the things when it comes to your way.You should always look for the things and remain focussed,what ever you chosse the product are the brand further.

Learn always from the failures don't run away from it analyse the failures which makes lot of things that leads you to success.The above statement "entrepreneur is talentes,success will happen in an year or two.Ofcourse when you are aware of all the market strategies and you have enough knowledge of market setup its not very tough to follow success.

Once the entreprenuer is able to lead the organization into success its really tough to stop him to becomening success in that industry has learned from failures and passion to become an entreprenuer will never stop anything to become.Once he knows the in and out of the market nothing could stop hm and no damages will prevent him to become successfull entrepreneur.

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