In: Computer Science
I need to write a function that takes a user-provided string like 1-3-5, and output a corresponding series of letters, where A is assigned to 1, B is assigned to 2, C is assigned to 3, etc. So in the case of 1-3-5 the output would be ACE. For 2-3-4, it should print BCD. For ?-3-4 or --3-4 it should still print BCD. **CANNOT USE LISTS, SETS, DICTS, ETC. CANNOT USE SPLIT FUNCTION. ** Here is the code I have written so far:
def num_to_let(encoded): result = "" start = 0 for char in range(len(encoded)): if encoded[char] == '-': i = encoded.index("-") sub_str = encoded[start:i] if not sub_str.isdigit(): result += "" else: letter = chr(64 + int(sub_str)) if 0 < int(sub_str) < 27: result += letter else: result += "" start += len(sub_str) + 1 print(start) return result print(num_to_let('4-3-25'))
It only outputs "D". Please let me know how I can correct this code.
Changes in the code:
def num_to_let(encoded):
result = ""
start = 0
for char in range(len(encoded)):
if encoded[char] == '-':
sub_str = encoded[start:char]
# print(sub_str)
if not sub_str.isdigit():
result += ""
letter = chr(64 + int(sub_str))
if 0 < int(sub_str) < 27:
result += letter
result += ""
start += len(sub_str) + 1
#only need to do this part for the last part as for three numbers there will be only 2 dashes the end won't have a dash
sub_str = encoded[start:]
# print(sub_str)
if not sub_str.isdigit():
result += ""
letter = chr(64 + int(sub_str))
if 0 < int(sub_str) < 27:
result += letter
result += ""
return result
There won't be need of i = encoded.index("-") as char variable will store the index of the dash. Also this variable will find the first index of - every time. So it won't be of use.
Also in the solution the - is after the number so the last part of the input won't print so we need to use the same thing inside the for loop outside of it and the sub_str = encoded[start:] which says the sub_str will be the part from the last value of start variable till the end of encoded. A better answer to the question will be to code as below:
def num_to_let(encoded):
result = ""
i = 0
length = len(encoded)
while(i < length):
if encoded[i].isdigit(): #check if character is a digit or a dash if a digit then move in
num = ''
while(i < length and encoded[i].isdigit()): # this will check if the there are two digits together or not if they are then we need to combine them and increment the counter by 1 as the digit will be traversed
num += encoded[i] #combine
i += 1 #increment counter
num = int(num)
if num <= 26:
result += chr(64 + num)
result += ""
i += 1
return result