Strategic management process
A leader while handling strategic management process should get
involved in the below activities
- Communication:
Once strategy is framed it needs to be effectively communicated to
the entire organization right from the labours to the management
team. Only when everyone has clarity on what are the strategies
they would thrive to achieve the same.
- Resources: Allocating
resources by the leader comes next wherein the team in order to
work towards the strategy should be allocated with tasks, sub
tasks, tools, equipment etc.
- Policy Framing:
Framing policies and procedures would be next step in
implementation which guides the team members towards achievement of
the strategy.
- Budget: Keeping an
eye on the financial aspects like budgeting, cost management, etc
is also very important part of implementation.
It totally differs from the day-to-day management of the
- Day to day management would
typically involve transactional work more than strategic work, the
above said activities is more strategic and happens only once in a
- Only when the high level strategies
are framed the day to day activities come into picture.