
In: Chemistry

Lactic acid, the substance that builds up in muscles and causes them to “burn” when they...

Lactic acid, the substance that builds up in muscles and causes them to “burn” when they are worked hard, has a molar mass of 90amu. If it is 40.0% C, 6.71% H and 53.3% O, what is the molecular formula of lactic acid?

            a) CH2O              b) C2H4O2                 c) C3H3O3               d) C3H6O3           e) C6HO8


Expert Solution

          Element           %            A.Wt            Relative number          simple ratio

          C                  40               12                 40/12 = 3.33            3.33/3.33 = 1

          H                  6.71               1                6.71/1 = 6.71          6.71/3.33   = 2

         O                  53.3             16               53.3/16 = 3.33           3.33/3.33   = 1

                   Empirical formula = CH2O

               molecular formula = (empirical formula)n

                                 n           = M.Wt/E.F.Wt

                                             = 90/30 = 2

                   molecular formula = (CH2O)2 = C2H4O2

b) C2H4O2  

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