
In: Math

Faced with rising fax costs, a firm issued a guideline that transmissions of 8 pages or...

Faced with rising fax costs, a firm issued a guideline that transmissions of 8 pages or more should be sent by 2-day mail instead. Exceptions are allowed, but they want the average to be 8 or below. The firm examined 37 randomly chosen fax transmissions during the next year, yielding a sample mean of 10.22 with a standard deviation of 4.88 pages.



Find the test statistic. (Round your answer to 4 decimal places.)


  The test statistic     



At the .01 level of significance, is the true mean greater than 8?




Use Excel to find the right-tail p-value. (Round your answer to 4 decimal places.)




Expert Solution

Before we go on to solve the problem let us know a bit about t-test and p-value.


The choice of a specific value of α is completely arbitrary and is determined by non-statistical considerations such as the possible consequences of rejecting H0 falsely and the economic and practical implications of the decision to reject H0. There is another value associated with a statistical test, it is called the probability value or p-value.

Definition: The p-value associated with a test is probability that we obtain the observed value of the test statistic or a value that is more extreme in the direction given by the alternative hypothesis when H0 is true.

Example: Let X~Normal(μ,σ2), to test H0:μ=4 ag. HA:μ>4 if we take a random sample of size n=9 and we are given that,


then the observed value of the test statistic is

Then the p-value is,

[Here t8 is t-distribution with 8 degrees of freedom]

Hence, here if α=0.05 we would have reject H0 since p-value is less than 0.05

The smaller the p-value, the more extreme the outcome the outcome and the stronger the evidence against H0.

If α is the chosen level of significance we reject H0 if,

and we accept H0 if,


Coming back to our problem,

Given that the firm examined 37 randomly chosen fax transmissions during the next year, yielding a sample mean of 10.22 with a standard deviation of 4.88 pages.


The hypothesis is,

a-1) Here we need to find the test statistic,

The test statistic is given by,

n=37, μ0=8

Hence the test statistic is given by 2.7672.

a-2) Before we solve a-2) let us solve part b)

b) To find the right tail p-value for t-distribution we use the following formula,


t=the value of the test statistic


tail=1(if using a one tail test) or 2(if using a two tail test)




tail=1(Since it is a one tail distribution)

Then press enter,

Clearly the p-value is 0.0044.

a-2) Now we here level of significance α=0.01 and p-value is 0.0044


Clearly we reject H0:μ=8 and accept H0:μ>8.

Hence at level of significance α=0.01, Yes the true mean is greater than 8.

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