Describe the Pooled variance assumption. How does it change the
standard error? What impact does it have on a test statistic? What
impact does it have on a p-value?
How do you justify making the assumption?
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The above contingency table was created by asking a sample of
people in a given area if they support a measure taken by the
If The...
1. If the normality assumption is met, but the equal variance
assumption is not met, what alternative analysis could be used in
place of the traditional F test for a one-way ANOVA design?
a. Kruskal-Wallis test. b. Welch test. c. Independent t-test. d.
Friedman test
2. Which one of the following would be considered a
non-parametric alternative to a one-way between subjects ANOVA?
a. Kruskal-Wallis test. b. Welch test. c.
Independent t-test. d. Friedman test
3. As you know, most...
G be a simple graph. show that the relation R on the set of
vertices of G such that URV if and only if there is an edge
associated with (u,v) is a symmetric irreflexive relation on
Let G be a simple planar graph with no triangles.
(a) Show that G has a vertex of degree at most 3. (The proof was
sketched in the lectures, but you must write all the details, and
you may not just quote the result.)
(b) Use this to prove, by induction on the number of vertices,
that G is 4-colourable.
Which of the following variable does the normality assumption
concern about in a simple linear regression model?
response varaible, the predictor, the residual or none are
Write a simple macroeconomic model where Ricardian equivalence
does not hold. Explain why Ricardian equivalence does not hold in
this model by deriving necessary conditions.
Show using a graph that if a monopolist in an input market faces
a monopsonist in the same input market, the equilibrium level of
input use is indeterminate.
Part I: Using a well labeled graph and words that explain your
graph, show the short run average variable cost curve and the
marginal cost curve.
Explain the shapes of the two cost curves.
Where do the two cost curves intersect? Why?