
In: Computer Science program for i in range(1,6): for j in range(i): print("*",end=' ') print("\n",end='') Exercise: Create the... program

for i in range(1,6):

for j in range(i):

print("*",end=' ')


Exercise: Create the pyramid similar to the above program using a while loop. Name your program and submit it on blackboard.


Expert Solution

Here is the code for the given question using while loop:


i = 1 #initialising a variable i to 1 as we have to print in range 1 to 6 so start with 1
while i < 6: #continue the loop untill i is less than 6 as ending range is 6
j = 1 #initialising a variable j to 1
while j <= i: #checking if j is less than or equal to i   
print("*",end=' ') #print statement for a row
j+=1 #increment j
print("\n",end = '') #print statement for outer loop i.e change row
i+=1 #increment i


Providing screenshot of the code for further clarification

Output of my code :


For your verification i have provided your code that is by the for loop with its output:

for loop code:

Output of this above code

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