
In: Computer Science

Java Programming Part 1 (20%) Implement a class with a main method. Using an enhanced for...

Java Programming

Part 1 (20%)

Implement a class with a main method. Using an enhanced for loop, display each element of this array:

String[] names = {"alice", "bob", "carla", "dennis", "earl", "felicia"};

Part 2 (30%)
In a new class, implement two methods that will each calculate and return the average of an array of numeric values passed into it. Constraints:

  • your two methods must have the same name
  • one method should accept an array of ints; the other should accept an array of doubles
  • both methods must return the average to at least two decimal places of accuracy

Implement a new class demonstrating your methods in action. Call your methods at least twice each with arrays of different sizes each time.

Part 3 (50%)
The Cool Ice Cream Shoppe pays its summer employees bonuses based on two factors: the number of weeks worked over the summer, and the number of positive customer reviews. The table below shows the bonuses based on these two factors.

Positive Reviews (right)

Weeks Worked (down)

0 1 2 3 4 or more
0 25 45 80 110 150
1 50 60 90 120 180
2 100 125 160 210 265
3 160 190 225 275 340
4 230 270 325 385 450
5 300 360 420 480 600
6 or more 425 500 600 700 875


  • Employee A worked 4 weeks and got 2 positive reviews; bonus: $325.
  • Employee B worked 1 week and got 7 positive reviews; bonus: $180
  • Employee C worked 8 weeks and got 0 positive reviews; bonus: $425
  • Total bonuses paid: $930

Write an application that:

  • stores the bonus values in a two-dimensional array
  • allows the user to enter values for weeks worked and reviews received, and displays the amount of the bonus
  • only accepts valid values for input (focus on valid ranges; don't worry about preventing wrong type input)
  • allows the user to keep entering values until some sentinel value is entered, at which point the program ends
  • upon ending, displays the total amount of bonuses paid out based upon the values entered


Expert Solution

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Program Part1: ********************************************************

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
//string array declaration
String[] names = {"alice", "bob", "carla", "dennis", "earl", "felicia"};
for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++)
System.out.println(names[i]);//print each element in new line

Output : Part1

Program Part2 :******************************************************************

public class ArrayTesting {
//this function takes integer array and size
public double getAverage(int []array,int size)
double sum=0.0; //sum store in this
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
sum+=array[i]; //add each element into sum
sum=sum/size; //get average
sum=Math.round(sum * 100.0) / 100.0; //convert it into 2 decimal point
return sum; //return average
//takes double array and size
public double getAverage(double []array,int size)
double sum=0.0;
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
sum+=array[i]; //add
sum=sum/size; //get average
sum=Math.round(sum * 100.0) / 100.0; //round for 2 decimal point
return sum; //return average


Program Part2 : Main class testing **********************************************

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int []intArray={3,4,5,7,8,9,11,71}; //integer array of size 8
double []doubleArray={3.134,4.2444,5.3458,7.4345,8.545,9.64350,11.7345,71.819};
int size =8; //size declaration
ArrayTesting Obj=new ArrayTesting(); //object create
System.out.println(Obj.getAverage(intArray, size)); //print average
System.out.println(Obj.getAverage(doubleArray, size));//print average of double array

Output :Part2

Program Part3 : ******************************************************

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc=new Scanner(; //Input scanner object
int totalBonus=0; //total bonus
char name='A'; //employee name
int [][]bonusArray={{25,45,80,110,150}, //2d array for bonus
while(true) //infinite loop
int totalWeeks;
int review;
System.out.print("Enter number of weeks employee worked : "); //prompt for total weeks
if(totalWeeks==-1) //if weeks -1
break; //exit loop and print total bonus
System.out.print("Enter customer reviews : "); //enter review
if(review==-1) //if -1 exit program
if(review>=4)//if enter 4 or more set 4
if(totalWeeks>=6) //if 6 ot more 6
int bonus=bonusArray[totalWeeks][review]; //get bonus in bonus
//print bonus of each employee
System.out.println("Employee "+name+" worked "+totalWeeks+" weeks and got "+review+" positive reviews; bonus:$"+bonus);
totalBonus+=bonus; //get total bonus
name+=1; //increment A to B
//print exit using break print total bonus
System.out.println("Total bonus paid: $"+totalBonus);

Output : Part3

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Be safe .

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