In: Statistics and Probability
Many random processes are well understood. Let’s study two of
them. A Bernoulli process is a random process with only two
possible outcomes: “Head” or “Tail”, “Success” or “Failure”, 1 or
0, etc. Examples: ipping a coin; winning the grand prize in a
lottery; whether it rains on any given day. Let Y be the random
variable of a Bernoulli process. It is customary to dene the sample
space as S = {1,0}, where 1 denotes “Head” or “Success” and 0
denotes “Tail” or “Failure”.
If P(Y = 1) = p, where p is some real number between 0 and 1, then
clearly P(Y = 0) = 1−p. Think of p as the “success rate”, or the
probability of getting a “Head” in a single coin ip. We call p the
parameter of the Bernoulli process, and write: Y ∼ Bernoulli(p) to
mean that Y is a random variable of a Bernoulli process with
success rate p. Example: ipping a fair coin once is Bernoulli
process with success rate p = 0.5.
Another common random process is the Binomial process. This may be
dened as the sum of n independent Bernoulli processes. Consider
ipping a coin n times, where each ip is the random variable Yi ∼
Bernoulli(p), for i = 1,2,...,n. Now let X = Y1 + Y2 + ...Yn. Then
the sample space is U = {0,1,2,...,n}, and the random variable X
can take any value in U. You can interpret X as the number of
“Heads” when the coin is ipped n times.
The probability of getting k “Heads” in n ips is given by: P(X = k)
=n kpk(1−p)n−k, for k = 0,1,2,...,n. And we say: X ∼ Binom(n,p) to
mean that X follows a Binomial process with parameters n and p.
Note that a Binomial process has two parameters.
(a) (1 mark) If Y ∼ Bernoulli(p), then show that E[Y ] = p. (b) (1
mark) If X ∼ Binom(n,p), then show that E[X] = np. (c) You own a
restaurant, and from experience, you know that 3 out of every 5
customers will ask for ice water with their meal. A sports team of
12 people has booked your restaurant on Sunday to celebrate their
victory. Model this problem as follows:
Let X be the number of people who want ice water with their meal.
Then X ∼ Binom(12,p), where p = 3/5. i. Calculate the
probability that at least 3 people will ask for ice water. ii. (1
mark) You would like to prepare enough ice water for Sunday’s
party. What is the expected number of people who would want ice