
In: Computer Science

Write a short, cohesive java program in jGrasp that interacts with the user and does the...

Write a short, cohesive java program in jGrasp that interacts with the user and does the following:

  • create at least 2 double variables
  • create at least 1 constant
  • get at least 1 string input from the user
  • get at least 1 int/double input from the user
  • include both, incorporating the input you got from the user:
    • 1 multiway if-else with at least 3 "else if"
    • 1 nested if

Your program should combine all of these into one cohesive, interactive program with all the parts working together. In your program description, be sure to describe what your program does.


Expert Solution

The code for java program is below. Screenshot of output is also provided.It is very simple program as you ahve asked. all the variables and logic is self explanatory. code comments are also provided. Program satisfies all the conditions you have given. It is interactive and user friendly



This program has Three double variables, one integer constant, one string variable, and one integer variable. This Program uses Scanner to take input from user. Program asks you to enter your name in string variable. Then it shows an interactive and user friendly menu to perform different actions. It gives you 5 choices of actions. Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Average,and the last task is find if a number is prime or not. It asks you the choice.once you enter your choice in integer variable choice, It uses different if esle if statemnts to match your choice. For the first 4 choices it prompts you to enter two numbers, then perform the specific operation addition or multiplication. It uses constant variable for finding average. and after finding result prints your name and result on screen in user friendly way. In the last choice it uses nested if else to print if a number isprime or not.


import java.util.Scanner; //importing scanner to take input from user

public class MyClass {
        public static void main(String[] args)
                double x,y,result; //double variables
                final int div=2; //int constant
                String name; //string variable
                int choice; //int variable
                Scanner scan=new Scanner(; //creating object of scanner to take input
                System.out.println("Enter your Name : ");
      ; //taking input for name
                System.out.println("What do you want to do ?"); //prompting diffrent choices
                System.out.println("1. Press 1 for Adding two numbers");
                System.out.println("2. Press 2 for Multiplying two numbers");
                System.out.println("3. Press 3 for Subtracting two numbers");
                System.out.println("4. Press 4 to find Average of two numbers");
                System.out.println("5. Press 5 to know if a number is Prime");
                choice=scan.nextInt(); //entering choice
                if(choice==1) //if choice=1
                        System.out.println("Enter first number : ");
                        x=scan.nextDouble(); //enter first number
                        System.out.println("Enter second number : ");
                        y=scan.nextDouble(); //enter second no
                        result=x+y; //adding both numbers
                        //printing name as well as result
                        System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", Addition of "+x+ " and "+y+" is "+result); 
                else if(choice==2) //elseif
                        System.out.println("Enter first number : ");
                        System.out.println("Enter second number : ");
                        result=x*y; //multiplying numbers
                        //printing name as well as result
                        System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", Multiplication of "+x+ " and "+y+" is "+result);
                else if(choice==3)
                        System.out.println("Enter first number : ");
                        System.out.println("Enter second number : ");
                        result=x-y; //subtracting numbers
                        //printing name as well as result
                        System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", Subtraction of "+x+ " and "+y+" is "+result);
                else if(choice==4)
                        System.out.println("Enter first number : ");
                        System.out.println("Enter second number : ");
                        result=(x+y)/div; //using constant variable dev to find average
                        //printing name as well as average
                        System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", Average of "+x+ " and "+y+" is "+result);
                else if(choice==5)
                        boolean prime=true; //boolean variable
                        System.out.println("Enter the number : ");
                        for(int i=2;i<=x/div;i++) //loop to find if a number is prime or not
                                if(x%i==0) //if the number x is divisible by i
                                        prime=false; //set prime to false
                                        break; //break from loop as the number is not prime
                        //nested if else loops
                        if(prime)  //if number is prime
                                System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", " + x +" is Prime Number");
                        else //if number is not prime
                                System.out.println("Hey "+ name +", " + x +" is Not a Prime Number");
                scan.close(); //closing scan



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