
In: Computer Science

C++ in one program that ends with return 0} at the end f Write a program...


in one program that ends with return 0} at the end f

Write a program to calculate the salary paid to its salespersons at Pohanka. The salary is calculated based on a salesperson’s length of employment in years and employment category (full-time employee or part-time employee). The salary calculation rules are as following: 1) If an employee is a part-time employee and worked here for less than 5 years, the salary consists of only the commission amount; 2) If an employee is a part-time employee and worked here for more than or equal to 5 years, the salary consists of base salary of $2,500 and commission amount; 3) If an employee is a full-time employee and worked here for less than 5 years, the salary consists of base salary of $5,000 and commission amount; 4) If an employee is a full-time employee and worked here for more than or equal to 5 years, the salary consists of base salary of $10,000 and commission amount. The commission amount is calculated using the following commission rates: Sales Amount Commission Rate $0 to $15,000 10% $15,001 to $60,000 15% Over $60,000 33% But there is a catch. The sales amount between $15,001 to $60,000 gets only 10% on the first $15,000 and 15% on the remaining. The sales amount above $60,000 pays only 10% on the first $15,000 and 15% on the next $45,000 and 33% on the remaining amount  


Expert Solution

C++ Program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double commision(double sales_amount)
    double first_15 = 15000, next_45 = 45000, rest, commision_amount = 0;
    if (sales_amount > 60000)
        rest = sales_amount - (first_15 + next_45);
        first_15 = ( first_15 * 10 ) / 100;
        next_45 = ( next_45 * 15) / 100;
        rest = (rest * 33) / 100;
        commision_amount = first_15 + next_45 + rest;
    else if ((sales_amount >= 15001) && (sales_amount <= 60000))
        rest = sales_amount - first_15;
        first_15 = ( first_15 * 10 ) / 100;
        rest = (rest * 15) / 100;
        commision_amount = first_15 + rest;
    else if ((sales_amount >= 0) && (sales_amount <= 15000))
        sales_amount = (sales_amount * 10) / 100;
        commision_amount = sales_amount;
    return commision_amount;

int main()
    cout<<"1. Part-Time Employee \n2. Full-Time Employee";
    int type, years;
    double sales_amount, base_salary = 0, salary = 0;
    cout<<"\nEnter Employee Type: ";
    cout<<"Enter Years of Employment: ";
    cout<<"Enter Your Sales Amount: ";
        case 1:
            if (years < 5)
                salary = commision(sales_amount);
                cout << "\n\n************** SALARY SLIP **************";
                cout << "\n\nYour Salary: " << salary;
                cout << "\n\n*****************************************";
            else if (years >= 5)
                base_salary = 2500;
                salary = base_salary + commision(sales_amount);
                cout << "\n\n************** SALARY SLIP **************";
                cout << "\n\nYour Salary: " << salary;
                cout << "\n\n*****************************************";
        case 2:
            if (years < 5)
                base_salary = 5000;
                salary = base_salary + commision(sales_amount);
                cout << "\n\n************** SALARY SLIP **************";
                cout << "\n\nYour Salary: " << salary;
                cout << "\n\n*****************************************";
            else if (years >= 5)
                base_salary = 10000;
                salary = base_salary + commision(sales_amount);
                cout << "\n\n************** SALARY SLIP **************";
                cout << "\n\nYour Salary: " << salary;
                cout << "\n\n*****************************************";
            cout << "Wrong Entry of Type of Employement !!, Try Again !!";

    return 0;


Thumbs Up Please !!!

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