
In: Computer Science

Use a for loop to ask a user to enter the grades of 5 courses. The...

Use a for loop to ask a user to enter the grades of 5 courses. The user should enter character
values, e.g., A. Calculate the GPA of the user
Hint: Convert the character values entered to numerals, e.g., A to 4
c programming
help me please


Expert Solution

My Assumption here is

A -> 4

B -> 3

C -> 2

D -> 1

E -> 0

Here is the code


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){

  char grades[5];

  int nums[5];

  char temp;        // To clear the buffer

  printf("\nEnter grades of 5 subjects:\n\n");

  for(int i = 0;i < 5; i++)


    printf("Enter Grade of subject %d:", (i+1));

    scanf("%c%c", &grades[i], &temp);

    if(grades[i] == 'A'){

      nums[i] = 4;


    else if(grades[i] == 'B'){

      nums[i] = 3;


    else if(grades[i] == 'C'){

      nums[i] = 2;


    else if(grades[i] == 'D'){

      nums[i] = 1;


    else if(grades[i] == 'E'){

      nums[i] = 0;



      printf("\nInvalid Marks\n Please try again");    

      i--;    // So as to ask input for the same number again



  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){

    printf("\nNumber for subject %d is %d", (i+1), nums[i]);


  return 0;




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