In: Civil Engineering
A new road is proposed and the Surveyor provided the information below. A grade sheet for TOP - OF - CURB values is required. You are asked to provide the following information; i) Difference in elevation from the C/L to the bottom of the curb face , ii) The height of the top of the curb face above the C/L , iii) cut or fill value at 2+82.50 , iv) cut or fill at 3+10.00 , v) cut or fill at 4+00.00 , and vi) cut or fill at 4+32.00 .
NOTE: Centreline elevation at station 2+82.50 = 155.30m. When writing cut or fill values put - or + for cut or fill respectively. e.g if the cut is 0.90, your answer should be -0.90.
(use 2nd decimal place accuracy for calculations and answers)