
In: Computer Science

Final Project: AWS Computing Services: Choose any project that you are interested in doing. The main...

Final Project: AWS Computing Services: Choose any project that you are interested in doing. The main thing is to learn and to have fun doing it. Come up with an innovative idea related to the course material that you are interested in implementing. Requirements: • Use two or more AWS Services. At least one of the two services has to be a computing service. • The total time spent on the project - including research, design, configuring, coding, testing, redesign, etc., should be around 10 - 15 hours. Submit: • 2 - 3 page written report outlining the project details • Include screenshots in the report Appendix


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Amazon web services is an leading cloud computing service provider having 31% market share.
AWS offers many cloud computing and networking services distributed across the globe called regions.
Regions includes US, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle-east etc.

For this project we include two of the many services available on AWS cloud platform.
First is EC2

Ec2- Elastic cloud computing service is majaor computing service availabe on AWS platform.
In this process we discuss about creating EC2 instance.
Before starting we need to note down some information about instance like,

In which region we are going to create an instance for eg. we create ec2 instance in (US East - N. Virginia).
After that we have to select which operating system image we are going install, for this instace we are continue with
cent os 7.

After that we have to select Storage, ram and processor varient we need to create instance.

Lets start to launch instance

First of all login to your aws account then open aws marketplace.

Then search cent os 7 CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM

click on continue to subscribe

select region

software version

Then select installation method through dropdown menu- ( launch through Ec2)

Select instace type you can configure your machine but there are preselected types.
for this instance we are going to create with t2 micro.

Then click on configure instance details

On this page you will find one form which inlcudes

Number of instances - 1

Purchasing option - null

Network - keep default

Subnet- keep default

Auto-assign Public IP - keep default

Placement group - keep default

Capacity Reservation - keep default

Domain join directory - keep default

next add storage to the instance

we keep default action for this instance general purpose ssd 8 gb

next button you can add tags to the instance.

next option is very important called configure security group
create security group very carefully because these options allows public traffice to your server.

keep default security group centos you can create new one.

keep SSH protocol setting to my IP so nobody can access your server admin from other than your IP address.

add rule for http server has port range 80

click reivew and launch

This action takes to review all the configurations final time

after that most important step appears to create key pair

create new key pair download it and save it in secure place so you need that key pair in future
without this key pair you cant access your server.

download key pair

download putty and puttygen

create PPK putty private key from key pair .pem( follow the instructions to create putty private key in putty docs)

click on launch( dont close the browser)

after some time your instance is running.

Now we would discuss about AWS elastic IP service and how to attach Elastic IP to your instance

First go to your Ec2 dashboard on left side you will see Elastic IP's

After that click on allocate Elastic IP

then you will allocated ip address after some moments.

click on anctions dropdown menu and select associate elastic ip address

after that you will see your instace id and click on associate

Done Elastic IP is attached to your instance.

Now we have got and instance running on AWS with Elastic IP associated to it.

Thank you.

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