
In: Accounting

Using the 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for St. Tammany Parish included, please answer the following...

Using the 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for St. Tammany Parish included, please answer the following questions.

All questions relate to the financial statements of St. Tammany Parish for the year ended December 31, 2015. For each answer also write the page number where you found the answer. NOTE: the page number is the page number listed in the CAFR which is not the same as the page number up top in Acrobat Reader!!!

1.            The total assets of the primary government amounted to $                                                         

2.            St. Tammany Parish reports four major governmental funds. They are:


3.            How many non-major funds does St. Tammany Parish report in their CAFR?                                                                         

4.            According to the statement of activities, the parish’s top two revenue sources, excluding component units, are:

               Source                                                                                             Amount                                             

               Source                                                                                             Amount                                             

5.            Using the statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance, for the total governmental funds:

                              Total revenues                                                              

                              Total expenditures                                                       

                              Net change in fund balances                                                     

                              Year-end fund balance                                                                              

6.            According to the notes, capital assets total:

                              Governmental activities, ending balance, net                                                                    

                              Business-type activities, ending balance, net                                                                     

                              Total governmental activities depreciation expense                                                        

                              Total business-type depreciation expense                                                                          

7.            What percentage of property tax billed does St. Tammany expect to collect?                                                       

8.            According to the schedule of employer contributions, for the employees retirement system for the St. Tammany Parish Coroner’s Office for 2015

                              Employer contributions totaled                                                                             

                              Annual required contributions were                                                                      

9.            There are how many non-major governmental funds of each type

                              Special Revenue Funds                                 

                              Debt Service Funds                                        

                              Capital Project Funds                                    

                              Internal Service Funds                                  

10.         For the internal service funds, what is the

                              Total net position at 12/31/2015                                                            

                              Total change in net position for 2015                                                    

11.         What discount rate is used to measure the pension liability?                                                        

12.         For the general fund, give the following information related to the budget:

                              Original budgeted amount of total revenues                                                                     

                              Final budgeted amount of total revenues                                                            

                              Actual amount of total revenues on a budgetary basis                                                    

                              Original budgeted amount of total expenditures                                                              

                              Final budgeted amount of total expenditures                                                                    

                              Actual amount of total expenditures on a budgetary basis                                             

13.         According to the Statement of Activities, total program revenues from operating grants and contributions for government activities was                                                                      

14.         According to the Statement of Activities, total program revenues from operating grants and contributions for business-type activities was                                                                   

15.         When were property taxes



               Became delinquent?                                                                   


Expert Solution

  1. Total assets   - $ 777,091,868

Page no – 31

  1. Four major governments fund –

General Fund

St.Tammany Parish Library

Public Works

Capital ImrovementsGeneral

Page no- 34 and 35

  1. Only 1

Page no -35

  1. Charges for services , Amount - $ 65,25,160

Operating grants and contribution – Amount - $ 10,42,107

Page no- 44

  1. Total Revenue -$ 148,791,954

Total expenditure - $ 151,874,969

Net change in fund balance - $ 120,44,016

Year end fund balance - $ 190,877,742,page no 37

  1. Capital assets

Government activities – $ 465,349,093

Busineess type acitivities - $ 37,396,727

Depreciation expenses

Government activities – $ 18,514,384

Busineess type acitivities - $ 24,22,765, page no – 61

  1. 95% of property tax billed are collectible
  2. Employer contributions totaled – $34,35,429

Annual required contributions – $ 240,123,page no – 63

  1. A) 42

b) 6



  1. Net position on 31/12/2015 - $ 40,757,139


  1. dISCOUNT RATE TO MEASURE PENSION liability – 7.25%

page no – 65

  1. Original budgeted amount of total revenue - $ 14,056,729

Final budgeted amount of total revenes - $ 14,056,729

Actual amount of total revenus on a budgetary basis - $ 15,139,259

Original budgeted amount of total expenditures - $ 14,056,757

Final budgeted amount of total expenditures -$ 15,035,359

Actual amount of total expenditures on a budgetary basis-$ 14,487,218

  1. $ 81,91,631
  1. $ 0
  1. 1) Levied for the benefit of the ST. Tammany Parish Library

2) The funds were due to the library when they are received , and ths this fund has no balance

3) Became deliuent on1st January which is the lien date.

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