In: Physics
let L be the total length of the rod, Y its Young's modulus, and p its density. Express the normal mode frequencies in terms of L, Y and p( density). and find the allowed wavelengths.
Part 1 -> Forming the differential eq
Let the density of the rod be:
axial force acting on the rod: F,
cross-sectional area of the rod: A
Length of rod: L
displacement of rod (longitudinal): y(x,t)
Youngs modulus: Y
For an infinitesimal deformation in length of rod:
while strain (being the measure of deformation) on rod:
stress (defined as force applied per unit area):
, and the stress-strain relationship is given by Hooke's law:
substituting values of stress and strain, the relationship
From Newtons second law(change in momentum is equal to force
(p: linear momentum)
From general wave equation:
, thus above found equation can be rearranged as:
Therefore, velocity can be written as:
Part 2 -> Solving the differential eq
the above found differential eq could be solved using Separation
of Variables i.e
and now differentiating w.r.t t:
for oscillatory motion:
, therefore,
Thus the equation becomes:
and from eq(6):
The general solutions of eq(6) and (7):
Now, y(0,t) = 0, thus C2 = 0
and at y(L,t), the axial force vanishes,
which is the normal mode frequency of the rod.