In: Computer Science
11. Convert this hexadecimal notation to binary
notation: E4B
Answer format: put a space between each four-bit pattern.
(e.g., 1000 0000 0111)
12. Convert this decimal notation to an excess notation system using bit patterns of length three: -1
13. Convert this two's complement notation to its equivalent base ten representation: 10011
Note: Since the tables in the book on page only show 7 through
-8 in a pattern of length four,
you will need
to create a pattern of length five to show 15 through -16.
14. Convert this decimal notation to an equivalent two's complement representation in which the value is represented in 7 bits: 17
Note: The tables in the book only show 7 through -8 in a pattern
of length four.
You'll have to figure out how to do the 7-bit pattern.
0 is always all zeros in every pattern, and 1 always ends in a
single 1.
Positive numbers begin with leading 0s and negative numbers with
leading 1s.
Format your answer in the following pattern: nnn nnnn
15. Convert the following binary notation to an
equivalent decimal notation: 101.011
Answer format: Express the fractional part of this as a
decimal, not as a fraction. (E.g., 111.1 is 7.5, NOT