
In: Computer Science

Write the program in C++ The Rebel food truck has asked you to write a program...

Write the program in C++

The Rebel food truck has asked you to write a program for them to do both inventory and sales for their food wagon. Ben and Dave run the food truck and they already have full time day jobs so they could really use your help.

The food truck sells: hamburger, hotdogs, chilli, fries and soda. The truck has spots for 200 hamburger patties, 200 hot dogs, 75 hamburger buns, 75 hot dog buns, 500 ounces of chili, 75 fry baskets and 200 cans of soda.

Items sells for: Hamburger - $5, Hotdogs - $5, Chili (12 oz.) - $4, Fries (basket) - $7, Chili on burger, dog or fries (4 oz) - $2, Soda - $2. There is 5% tax in the area.

Create a menu driven program that they can run at the top of the night, put in current inventory and then sell items allowing them to enter sales for a customer on a repeating basis and get a result to charge them. Also take the items out of inventory when they are used. If an item goes to near zero and can no longer be sold then it should come off the menu.

Have something in the program that allows the user to terminate the program at the end of the night and it should signal to them if inventory for an item goes below 20%.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
int main()
    //inititalize the items
    string items[7]={"Hamburger Patties","Hamburger Buns","Hot Dogs","Hot Dog Buns","Chilli","Fry Baskets","Soda"};
    //initialize the quantity
   static int nos[7]={200,75,200,75,500,75,200};
   //initialize the price
    int price[7]={5,5,5,5,4,7,2};
    //initialize the twenty percentage of items
    int twentypercen[7]={40,15,40,15,100,15,40};
    int i,j,k,total=0,n;
    char opt;
    //infinite loop
   //display the items
       {//check the status of items whether 0 or not, if 0 then discard it from menu
           if(items[i].length()>=12 ) //condition for formatting the output, i.e/ allow a single tab otherwise double tab
       cout<<endl<<i+1<<". "<<items[i]<<" \t "<<nos[i]<<" \t $"<<price[i];
       cout<<endl<<i+1<<". "<<items[i]<<" \t\t "<<nos[i]<<" \t $"<<price[i];  
       //ask about the choice
       cout<<endl<<"Enter your order";
       //condition for chillis
           //ask for the purpose of chilli
           cout<<endl<<"Do you want chilli with burgor dog or fries(y/n)";
           if(opt=='y' || opt=='Y')
               //ask for the quantity of chilli
           cout<<endl<<"Enter the quantity of "<<items[k-1];
           //the quantity must be multiple of 4
              cout<<endl<<items[k-1]<<"can be taken out multiple of 4";
              goto top1;
           //compute the total
           total=total + 2*(n/4);
           //update the quantity
              //ask the quantity
           cout<<endl<<"Enter the quantity of "<<items[k-1];
           if(n%12!=0) //it should be multiple of 12
              cout<<endl<<items[k-1]<<"can be taken out multiple of 12";
              goto top;
           //compute the total
           total=total + price[k-1]*(n/12);
           //update the quantity

//block for other items
              //ask for the quantity
              cout<<endl<<"Enter the quantity of "<<items[k-1];
               //compute the total
               total=total + price[k-1]*n;
               //update the quantity
           //display the items below 20%
           cout<<endl<<items[i]<<" goes below 20%";
       //ask user to continue or not
       cout<<endl<<"Do you want to continue(y/n)";
   //display the total
   cout<<endl<<"Total Amount to pay : $"<<total;


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