
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 16 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Case Scenario 3: You, as a School Nurse, scheduled to have a...

Case Scenario 3: You, as a School Nurse, scheduled to have a session on sex education to a group of higher primary school students. One of the students asks the nurse the following differences in the reproductive organs of the males and females and their function. What would be your best answers to these questions?
a. What are the primary sex organs males and females and their functions?   
b. What are the hormones responsible for the secondary sex characteristics among males and females?
c. What are the major events of puberty in males and females? (Secondary sex characteristics)
d. Why do females often develop urinary infection compared to men? (Hint: comment on specific reproductive cum urinary organ in males and females)   
e. Explain the role of hormones during the uterine (Menstrual) cycle.   


Expert Solution

a. What are the primary sex organs males and females and their functions?   

Primary sex organs in males are testes and in females, ovaries are the primary sex organs. Testes produce testosterone and females produce estrogen and progesterone. Testes produce sperms and ovaries produce ovum. These are the gametes produced by these organs respectively.

b. What are the hormones responsible for the secondary sex characteristics among males and females? The hormones responsible is testosterone in males and estrogen in females.

c. What are the major events of puberty in males and females? (Secondary sex characteristics)

Events of puberty in males-

1. Male reproductive organs increase in size.

2. Testes start producing testosterone.

3. Moustache appears

4. The hair on the face appears

5. Sebum produced leads to acne

6. Shoulders broaden

7. Hair develops on armpits

Events of puberty in females-

1. Ovaries produce estrogen

2. Menstrual cycle begins

3.Breast develop

4. The hair on the face appears

5. Sebum produced leads to acne

6. Hips broaden

7. Hair develops on armpits

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