Post your three
favorite computer or mobile devices and why?
The favorite computer devices are as follows:
- Keyboard:
- It makes easy for us to type certain things that can be
displayed on the screen and also communicate with the machines
without any interrupts.
- The keyboard also makes it very aesthetic of the computer to
use and make it easy to handle so that even lame person can handle
the computers.
- Speakers:
- The speakers are the devices which can provide relief to the
ears with good music on it whenever anyone is performing some
tedious task and whatever it be people can turn up the music in
order to get their mind fresh.
- Network Interface Controller:
- This is the device which makes it possible for us to use the
internet on various occasions without any problem and there is a
very important need of the internet nowadays as computer devices
are nothing without the internet.
Hence, these are my favorite computer devices.
What data do
these devices usually take as input from you and what information
do they usually produce for you?
- The keyboard stores data in binary and then transfer the data
from binary in which resides the key matrix process and there are
certain ways of making keyboards work with particular data on
- The speakers turn the electrical energy into sound energy and
hence, the electrical waves are converted into the sound waves with
the help of certain devices which are attached in the device.
- The NIC receives the transmitted electromagnetic waves in order
to provide connectivity to the computer or system so that the user
can easily access the internet with the help of the medium such as
WiFi, etc.
What is usually
stored on the devices?
- The keyboards store just the keystrokes that too for the
limited number of time until and unless next keystroke is being
entered. The keyboard is an input device hence, it does not store
any data for a longer period of time.
- The same applies with both the NIC as well as the speaker they
are also similarly working devices just that the NIC saves the
network id for further use or when the ethernet connection is being
attached it remembers the connection so that it is not required to
connect again and again.
Hence, these are answer to all of the stated questions.