
In: Computer Science

Problem 1: More than 2500 years ago, mathematicians got interested in numbers. Armstrong Numbers: The number...

Problem 1: More than 2500 years ago, mathematicians got interested in numbers.

Armstrong Numbers: The number 153 has the odd property that 13+53 + 33 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153. Namely, 153 is equal to the sum of the cubes of its own digits.

Perfect Numbers: A number is said to be perfect if it is the sum of its own divisors (excluding itself). For example, 6 is perfect since 1, 2, and 3 divide evenly into 6 and 1+ 2 + 3 = 6.

Input File

The input is taken from a file named and which a sequence of numbers, one per line, terminated by a line containing the number 0.

Output File

All the numbers read from the input file, are printed one per line followed by a sentence indicating whether the number is or is not Armstrong number and whether it is or is not a perfect number.

Sample Input




Sample Output

153 is an Armstrong number but it is not a perfect number.

6 is not an Armstrong number but it is a perfect number.


Expert Solution

//function for Armstrong number
int Armstrong(int number){
   int t,reminder,tot=0;
       return 1;   
       return 0;
//function for perfect nubmer
int Perfect(int number){
   int tot=0,i;
       return 1;
       return 0;

int main(){
   //file referencing objects   
   FILE *file1;
   FILE *file2;
   //opening both files according to their required modes
file1 = fopen("", "r");   //opening file1 in read mode
file2 = fopen("output.txt", "w");   //opening file1 in write mode
int numArr[1000];   //array creation for storing numbers from file
int i;
fscanf(file1, "%d", &numArr[i]);
int arm =Armstrong(numArr[i]);
       int perf =Perfect(numArr[i]);
       //writing output in to file2 named output.txt
       if(arm==1 && perf==1)
           fprintf(file2,"%d is Armstrong number and Perfect number\n",numArr[i]);
       else if(arm==1 && perf==0)
           fprintf(file2,"%d is Armstrong but it is not a Perfect number\n",numArr[i]);
       else if(arm==0 && perf==1)
           fprintf(file2,"%d is not a Armstrong number but it is a Perfect number\n",numArr[i]);
           fprintf(file2,"%d is not a Armstrong number and not a Perfect number\n",numArr[i]);
//closing files
   return 0;


Note :please maintain .c file , and output.txt 3 files in one folder  

if any queries please comment me...

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