
In: Statistics and Probability

Ad Lib Cntrol Two per Day Control Food Deprived Water Deprived Food and Water Deprived 18...

Ad Lib Cntrol

Two per Day Control

Food Deprived

Water Deprived

Food and Water Deprived































Data represent the effects of food and/or water deprivation on behavior. Treatments 1 and 2 represent control conditions; animal received ad lib food and water (1) or else food and water twice per day (2). In treatment 3 animals were food deprived, in treatment 4 they were water deprived, and in treatment 5 they were deprived of both food and water. The dependent variable is the number of trials to reach a predetermined criterion. Assume we compared the combined control groups (treatments 1 and 2) with the combined experimental groups, the control groups with each other, the singly deprived treatments with the doubly deprived treatment, and the singly deprived treatments with each other

  1. Fill out the table below based on the comparisons (linear contrasts)


Ad Lib Cntrol

Two per Day Control

Food Deprived

Water Deprived

Food and Water Deprived

Sum aj

Sum a^2j

Omega= Sum(ajX-barj)

Sample Means





  1. Compute:

Sum ajbj

Sum ajcj

Sum ajdj

Sum bjcj

Sum bjdj

Sum cjdj

Are the four contrasts orthogonal? Explain.

  1. Use the results of your computations for part a) to complete the following table.






Sig (Y or N)


     Contrast 1

     Contrast 2

     Contrast 3

     Contrast 4



  1. Interpret the results for Contrast 1.
  2. Taking into account all four contrasts, what do the results tell us about the effect of food/ water deprivation on the learning task?


Expert Solution

  • If two groups of equal size are to be compared, assign coefficients of +1 to the members of one group and -1 to those of the other group. It does not matter which group is assigned the positive coefficient.
  • In comparing groups containing different numbers of treatments, assign to the first group, coefficients equal to the number of treatments in the second group, and to the second group, coefficients of the opposite sign equal to the number of treatments in the first group.


Groups Ad Lib Cntrol Two per Day Control Food Deprived Water Deprived Food and Water Deprived Sum aj Sum a^2j Omega= Sum(ajX-barj)
Sample Means 30 40 13.3333 20 18.3333
aj 3 3 -2 -2 -2 0 30 106.6668
bj 1 -1 0 0 0 0 2 -10
cj 0 0 1 1 -2 0 6 -3.3333
dj 0 0 1 -1 0 0 2 -6.6667
aj^2 9 9 4 4 4 30
bj^2 1 1 0 0 0 2
cj^2 0 0 1 1 4 6
dj^2 0 0 1 1 0 2
     Contrast 1 the combined control groups (treatments 1 and 2) with the combined experimental groups
     Contrast 2 the control groups with each other
     Contrast 3 the singly deprived treatments with the doubly deprived treatment
     Contrast 4 the singly deprived treatments with each other
Sum ajbj 0
Sum ajcj 0
Sum ajdj 0
Sum bjcj 0
Sum bjdj 0
Sum cjdj 0

All summations equal to zero. Therefore, all contrasts are orthogonal to each other.

18 20 6 15 12 144 400 53.772889 25 40.11069
20 25 9 10 11 100 225 18.774889 100 53.77729
21 27 8 9 8 81 169 28.440889 121 106.7771
16 23 6 12 13 196 289 53.772889 64 28.44409
15 25 11 14 11 225 225 5.442889 36 53.77729
90 120 40 60 55 3600 6400 711.12889 1600 1344.447
4346 7708 871.33333 1946 1627.333
Source df SS MS F Sig (Y or N)
Treatments qf(0.025,1,25)
     Contrast 1 1 75.85204 75.85204 0.114937 Yes 0.0010019
     Contrast 2 1 150 150 0.227291 Yes 0.0010019
     Contrast 3 1 1.851815 1.851815 0.002806 Yes 0.0010019
     Contrast 4 1 66.66733 66.66733 0.101019 Yes 0.0010019
Error 25 16498.67 659.9467
Total 29

All contrasts are significant.

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