
In: Computer Science

C++ Linked Lists Don’t you love music? Everyone loves a great song playlist! Practice your understanding...

C++ Linked Lists

Don’t you love music? Everyone loves a great song playlist! Practice your

understanding of linked lists in C++ by creating list of songs / artist pairs.

Allow your user to add song / artist pairs to the list, remove songs (and

associated artist) from the list and be sure to also write a function to print

the list! Have fun!

Using Vector or Pointer but please write a new code don't copy the one that exist before


Expert Solution

// C++ program to create and implement the linked list of songs

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// structure to represent a song in the linked list

struct Song


       string name;

       string artist;

       Song *next;


class LinkedList



       Song *head; // pointer to the start of the linked list




       void addSong(string name, string artist);

       bool removeSong(string name);

       void printList();


// default constructor to initialize an empty list



       head = nullptr;


// destructor to remove all nodes of the linked list



       while(head != nullptr)


             Song *temp = head;

             head = head->next;

             delete temp;



// function to add a song at the end of list

void LinkedList::addSong(string name, string artist)


       Song *song = new Song;

       song->name = name;

       song->artist = artist;

       song->next = nullptr;

       if(head == nullptr)

             head = song;



             Song *curr = head;

             while(curr->next != nullptr)

                    curr = curr->next;

             curr->next = song;



// function to remove the song from the linked list and return of the operation was successful or not

bool LinkedList::removeSong(string name)


       if(head != nullptr)


             if(head->name == name)


                    Song *temp = head;

                    head = head->next;


                    return true;



                    Song *pre = nullptr;

                    Song *curr = head;

                    while(curr != nullptr)


                           if(curr->name == name)


                                 pre->next = curr->next;


                                 return true;


                           pre = curr;

                           curr = curr->next;


                    return false;



       return false;


// function to print the list

void LinkedList::printList()


       if(head == nullptr)


             cout<<"Empty Song List"<<endl;



             cout<<"Song List"<<endl;

             Song *curr = head;

             while(curr != nullptr)


                    cout<<"Name : "<<curr->name<<" Artist : "<<curr->artist<<endl;

                    curr = curr->next;





int main() {

       LinkedList list;

       int choice;

       string name, artist;

       // loop that continues till the user exits



             cout<<"1. Add a song"<<endl;

             cout<<"2. Remove a song"<<endl;

             cout<<"3. Print Song list"<<endl;

             cout<<"4. Exit"<<endl;

             cout<<"Choice(1-4) : ";


             if(choice == 1) // add a song to the linked list



                    // input of song name

                    cout<<"Enter song name : ";


                    name = name.substr(0,name.length()-1);

                    // input of song artist

                    cout<<"Enter song artist : ";


                    artist = artist.substr(0,artist.length()-1);


                    cout<<"Song with name : "<<name<<" artist : "<<artist<<" added"<<endl;


             else if(choice == 2) // remove the song



                    // input of song name

                    cout<<"Enter song name : ";


                    name = name.substr(0,name.length()-1);

                    if(list.removeSong(name)) // if song was removed


                           cout<<"Song with name : "<<name<<" removed"<<endl;


                           cout<<"Song with name : "<<name<<" doesn't exist"<<endl;


             else if(choice == 3) // print the songs in the list



             }else if(choice != 4)

                    cout<<"Invalid choice"<<endl;

       }while(choice != 4);

       return 0;


//end of program


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